So now I have my watering system all setup its time to get to the planting so where do we begin. I decided to use peat pucks for planting the seed as given anywhere nutrients and everything can be added to a system after the fact but getting the seeds started in a environment they are most likely to succeed was the thing I wanted to attend to first. Mind you I wanted to be able to have the soil go to the top of my containers so I could have even holes on to when the plastic was over top of it to allow for the seeing process but after having some issues with my water line I removed the plastic even thou it wasn't necessary to do so as the system was acting as it should have been.
The final plan was to use 3 types of lettuce and spinach, radishes, parsley, and green onions.
The first thing I did was I pre-soaked my peat pucks and then started to build up the soil around them now after filling the trays and making them as even as I could with the soil I had it was apparent that I wasn't going to have enough to reach the top of the container like I had planned but it was too late things had to move forward so that's what I decided to do.
I used Pro Mix premium potting mix. Very cheap at a local shop and was triple the price on amazon so I bought what I thought I had need in quantity but realized later it was nowhere near what I would eventually need.
As you can see below there this is what I was wanting to have a totally enclosed and sealed trays. which then later on I would also introduce oxygen lines into the system but now that I have removed it I will just have to introduce it into the main system and then eventually into the top growing system.
The reason for this is I am using heritage seeds on most of my trays which I recommend to anyone because if you plants go to seed then you will be able to regrow over and over again. But I will be trying to prevent that from happening to all but a few of my plants which I would like to acquire some more seeds from. Partially to see how much will be produced from one plant and to replenish the stock of seeds now used in the system.4
So now currently with the plastic removed we are growing and I am still working on the project trying to make things more efficient and more reliable I am no horticulturist that's for sure but like anyone experimenting and making things work from nothing is a reward on its own.
wanna watch the real time growing process and what I got going on then head over to
I will have it running in the morning until the system shuts down for the night just after 11pm PST
All 3d printed parts can be found here: