In this final blog, I will be measuring the power consumption of the PSoC 6 microcontroller.
On the back of the PSoC 6 Pioneer Kit, there is a jumper which can be removed to provide current measurement.
I connected it with some wires to an ammeter. The current is fluctuates between 10mA to 11mA.
As the current reading is fluctuating, I decided to capture a waveform of the current measurement.
I used the Nordic Power Profiler Kit II (PPK2).
First download and install nRF Connect for Desktop from the official download page.
After installing, the program should look like this. Here you can manage the different apps. Open the Power Profiler app to do some measurements.
This is the measurement upon connecting up the board.
As for steady state measurements, after all the initialisation has been done, the device averages at around 11.54mA.
There are distinct spikes every 10ms which corresponds to sampling the accelerometer every 100Hz.
For your reference, this is my connection.
It was interesting to see how ModusToolbox has developed and refined itself in the past year. It had been fun learning about BLE and interfacing it with a PC and phone, and getting started was very quick with the environment tools. I also found out about some complications in the compilation process when implementing the Edge Impulse library and I proposed some possible workarounds/fixes. I ended off by doing power measurements, but I failed to do any power optimizations. I have attempted to do put the microcontroller to sleep, however it has affected the main functionality timing. A lot of logic needs to be rewritten as I did not account for how the code for low power optimizations will be done when I started the project. Thus, the lesson learnt that it is advisable to be familiar with low power coding techniques if that is the main goal, before starting out the project so that it will be easier to integrate it later on.
With this, I wrap up my project. I hope my blog posts have been helpful to you!