Bake Mate - Pi Chef Blog #12 - Stretch goal 1: A visual indicator using Sense HAT's RGB LED Matrix - Part 2
Picking up from Bake Mate - Pi Chef Blog #11 - Stretch goal 1: A visual indicator using Sense HAT's RGB LED Matrix - Part 1, I wrote some code to convert a percentage (which is passed when the function is called) into the pattern that I've already described.
To keep things organised, I added all Sense HAT related code to a dedicated file -
import sense_hat from time import sleep disp = sense_hat.LedMatrix() dpad = sense_hat.DPad() disp.clear() #color definitions: RGB values RED = (63,1,1) GREEN = (30,63,6) WHITE = (12,12,12) BLANK = (0,0,0) DONE_COMP = (0,15,25) DONE = (63,0,0) PALE_RED = (5,0,0) PALE_DON = (0,1,2) TURQ =(0,1,2) EORAN = (30,7,2) #called the first time the file is imported disp.fb_flush() def drawPercent(Percent): p = int(Percent*64/100) print ("adjustted to "+str(p)) disp.clear() if (Percent>=97): for row in range (7,-1,-1): for col in range (0,8,1): current = ((7-row)*8+col) #print("curr is "+str(current) + ";row is " + str(row) + " & col is" + str(col)) #disp.set_pixel_fb((row),(col),DONE) disp.set_pixel_fb((row),(col),GREEN) else: for row in range (7,-1,-1): for col in range (0,8,1): current = ((7-row)*8+col) #print("curr is "+str(current) + ";row is " + str(row) + " & col is" + str(col)) #disp.set_pixel_fb((row),(col),DONE) if (current < p): disp.set_pixel_fb((row),(col),PALE_RED) #print (" set " + str(current) + " i.e. " + str(row) + "," + str(col)) else: disp.set_pixel_fb((row),(col),PALE_DON) disp.fb_flush() return
- The first few lines deal with imports. The sense_hat library is the custom driver I described in the previous blog post. It handles low level tasks like sending data to the ATtiny over I2C using the smbus library. It also provides a framebuffer that can be written to using set_pixel_fb(). To write the buffer to the ATtiny88, use fb_flush().
- The next few lines define different color combinations - which are R,G,B values from 0 to 65 (instead of the standard 0 to 255)
- drawPercent() is the function that will be imported and invoked from the main Bake Mate python program.
- The parameter passed is the percent value (out of 100%), which needs to be scaled relative to 64 (because it's a 8x8 matrix). This is done using p = int(Percent*64/100). For example, 50% should light 50% of the 64 LEDs, which is 32.
- disp.clear() is used to clear the contents of the display - it writes a RGB value of 0,0,0 to all the pixels.
Now, the way I wanted it to work was to slowly fill up the grid with a certain color that correlates to the percent of the quantity added (if 50% of the required amount has been added, fill 50% of the pixels).
When the amount reaches close to the required amount (set at 97% here), the whole grid changes color to alert the user. That is what the outermost 'if-else block does.
- If the value of percent is greater than 97%, it sets the value of the entire RGB matrix to GREEN
- If the value of percent is less than 97%, it fills up the grid proportional to the percent - the 'else' block.
Pixel math:
I used nested for loops to iterate through all the pixels in the matrix. As the variable names suggest, the outer one is for the rows, and the inner one for columns.
for row in range (7,-1,-1):
This is used to generate values: starting at 7 (the first parameter), ending at -1 (the second parameter - it actually stops at 0 since -1 is not included) and -1 (the third parameter) is the amount the value is decremented by. The outer loop therefore runs from 7 to 0 (7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0) - which is used as the row reference.
Why backwards? It's because the way addresses of the RGB LEDs on the Sense HAT have been defined. The first one (0,0) is the one on the upper-leftmost & (7,7) is the lower-rightmost.
I want the grid to fill from left to right starting at the bottom, which means that the order of reference of the rows needs to be reversed - which is done by running the 'row' loop backwards.
current = ((7-row)*8+col)
This is used to generate a pseudo value of the current pixel. The numbering starts from the bottom and moves left to right - in the same order that the grid needs to be filled.
I'm using this to compare the value of p (scaled percent relative to 64) so that the color of the LED can be decided.
Here's how it works:
The loop starts at pseudo value 0 (which is the lower left most pixel). Let's say that the percent of the ingredient added is 75%, which means that 75% of the grid needs to be filled, or 48 pixels. The color for 'filled' pixels is PALE_RED, and unfilled pixels is PALE_DON. The loops start at the lower left most pixel (pseudo value 0 - row 7, column 0) and increase (they move right along the bottom row). This covers pseudo values 0 to 7 (from the formula of current). The value of p (the scaled percent relative to 64) is 48, so the 'if' condition sets all these pixels to PALE_RED (since they're filled because pseudo value is less than 48). The loops now move to row 6 and move left to right from column 0 to 7 and set all the values to PALE_RED.
This continues till the value of the pseudo value of a certain pixel exceeds the value of p (scaled percentage), and the remaining pixels get set to PALE_DON
This video illustrates how it works. I wrote two consecutive loops that call the drawPercent() function with the value of the loop counter. The first one counts from 0 to 100 (therefore it fills the grid from 0 to 100% in steps of 1%), after which the second loop runs, which counts from 100 to 0 in steps of 1 (causing the grid to 'un-fill'). Whenever the value of percent passed to drawPercent() is more than 97, it turns the entire matrix green.
Demo time:
I used my 'Pi' recipe to run a quick demo. This is the step which asks for screwdrivers:
Watch how the LEDS turn RED according to the weight added - which is directly proportional to the percent that's been added. Towards, the end, the LED matrix flashes green when the value added is above 97% of the required value.
(The video is dark because I needed to turn down the exposure to ensure that the LEDs are visible. The 'pan' of the weighing scale in the upper left corner.)
This could be modified to work with a WS2812 strip instead of a square LED matrix.
Even the method of indication could change - start with a color like blue and gradually change to red as the value increases. Towards the end, turn the matrix green and flash it at a frequency that is determined by the percent.
Suggestions are welcome!
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