• Accessible Sewing Machine for Leg Impairments

    This is an assistive tech project for the people who have problem on both legs. In this project, I illustrated my system that makes the sewing machine accessible to all. This is a plug a play solution…
  • Accessible Sewing Machine for Leg Impairments - Part 1 (Unboxing & Testing the Trinamic Motor Controller)

    My goal is to make the sewing machine accessible to all who has leg impairments and disabilities. In this very first writing I will test the challenger kit that includes a stepper motor, Trinamic stepper…
  • ASM (Part 2) - Trinamic Motion Control using Arduino

    In this tutorial I will explain how to control the Trinamic Motor Controller using Arduino. I used SPI protocol for communicating with Trinamic Motor Controller board and I tested both velocity and position…
  • Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) by Stepper-Control of a Variac

    Obtaining consistent AC voltage from the mains can be an expensive challenge. Can we solve this problem by outfitting a humble Variac with an ADI-Trinamic stepper motor to make it computer-controlled?…
  • Metallurgical Image Acquisition Stage Design

    It is required to design a mobile stage for XY movements in a metallurgical microscope. The initial proposal consists of a one axis stage controlled by the TMCL-IDE for displacement and the camera software…
  • Connector Tester

    My "Start a Movement" design challenge entry includes a connector tester. This blog covers a first look at the electronics and software involved in the connector tester. Intro This installment of my…
  • Demanding Stepper Motor Applications

    This project addresses the "Start a Movement" theme by incorporating the Analog Devices stepper motor kit in two applications where stepper motors require precise control. These applications are a connector…
  • DIY Pick and Place Machine - Building the Frame

    Building the frame for the project Project Genesis: Modifying the Green Mamba v2.0 Every great project starts with a solid foundation, and my DIY Pick and Place Machine is no exception. I began by repurposing…
  • DIY Pick N Place

    Building a DIY pick and place machine that is good for small hobbyist projects! Building Your Own DIY Pick-and-Place Machine In this blog we’ll explore how to build a DIY pick-and-place machine using…
  • DIY Pick N Place - Electronics PT 1

    Working on the X-Y-Z axis code and electronics Hardware Setup The current implementation uses a combination of different motor drivers to control our three axes: X/Y axes: TMC5272 stepper motor driver…