About this Challenge | Dates | The Judges | The Kit | The Prizes | Technical Resources | Example Application | Terms & Conditions | The Challengers
Join us, in congratulating the winners of the Low Power IoT Design Challenge with Infineon, using the PSoC 6S2 + AIROC
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Pioneer Kit !
Make IoT work in industry, using Infineon’s low-power compute, connectivity, and sensing technology!
68 Blogs, 28 Videos and a whole lot of blood sweat and tears.
The winners will win the following prizes and anyone who hit the Finisher criteria will get the finisher prize.
Winners will be sent prizes to the address on their application and will be contacted by danzima
Prize | Prize Category |
Grand Prize*
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Runner Up*
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Finisher Prize
Multicomp Digital Multimeter |
*Or local equivalent
Guillermo Perez @amgalbu - Finisher
Object Classifier And Counter
Judges loved the use of ModusToolbox, UBIDOTS, ThingSpeak
Ambrogio Galbusera - Runner Up of the Low Power IoT Challenge
Ultra Low Power Pallet Tracker
Judges loved the 6 Years of Battery life and the mobile compatible app!
Congratulations amgalbu
Check out the final demo here:
Code is available at
Ashok R asokfair - Finisher
Solar Powered Smart Composter
Judges loved the AWS Connection, the Green and ultra low power concept, and using an existing prize from another design challenge!
F Yao fyaocn - Finisher
BLE Drum
Judges enjoyed this exploration of timings using FreeRTOS, the Android Studio BLE Mobile App, ModusToolbox / Eclipse IDE and the uses of Capsense and with PWM.
Charles Mao @cmelement14 - Finisher
Low Power Sump Well Water Monitoring
Judges enjoyed the use of MQTT Messaging, AWS IoT, clever use of ModusToolbox Templates and a super beefy UPS System!
Stephen Krudlewicz @skrudlewicz - Finisher
BPM Display
This project might not be fully finished but the judges were impressed with Stephen building a working Heart Monitor from scratch and how well documented it is.
The use of AWS and IoT MQTT as well as Connecting PSoC 6 and Arduino MKR fo expansion of features.
Ralph Yamamoto ralphjy - Winner of Low Power IoT Design Challenge
Low Power Secure Entry Project
The judges were blown away buy such an amazing project including Microwave Motion Detection, Object Classification, Facial Recognition and Access that is also Low Power Optimized!
Md. Khairul Alam taifur - Finisher
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
The judges loved that this project was very educational and well written, and athough it is not very low power its self but helps save power, with very good use of MQTT and Cloud connection.
The Sponsored Kit | The Specs |
PSoC (CY8CKIT-062S2-43012) |
• Ultra-low-power PSoC • The Murata 1LV Module hosting the ultra-pow-power Infineon AIROC • CapSense capacitive touch sensing enabled buttons and sliders • PSoC 5LP MCU for program/debug • Excelon |
Infineon Technical Judge Team |
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element14 Community Judges element14 Community Team |