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This is my first post as part of Upcycle It design challenge.
Project idea:
I have an old smoke detector that I would like to use in combination with other wifi connected electric appliances (I haven't seen yet a "smart oven" in BestBuy), which has a risk of causing fire or other devices that can control electricity supply to them (as suggested by mcb1 - like Sonoff WiFI switch or the project by jasonwier92) I want to add a wireless connection to the smoke detector, so when it detects smoke (or other properties of fire like higher then usual temperature) from a connected appliance, it can send an alert to a smart phone, as well notify the IoT connected smart appliance, so it can automatically turn off itself. Hopefully this project will make my home a safer place with the reuse of old electrical equipment and Intel Edison Arduino Kit.
Here is a more formal description using BDD scenario template:
Story: Shutdown "smoking" appliances
As a home owner
In order to keep home safe from risk of fire
I want to shutdown electric appliances when smoke is detected.
Scenario 1: Shutdown "smoking" smart appliances
Given that a smoke detector is located near smart appliances
And smart appliances have capabilities to switch power off
And smart appliances have capabilities to subscribe to a fire alert.
When a smoke detector detects smoke or high temperature
Then it should send fire alert to connected smart appliances
And smart appliances should switch power off
And I should receive alert on my mobile phone.
Scenario 2: Shutdown "smoking" appliances
Given that a smoke detector is located near appliances
And appliances connected to electric power over WiFi smart switch
And smart switch has capabilities to subscribe to a fire alert.
When a smoke detector detects smoke or high temperature
Then it should send fire alert to connected smart switches
And smart switches should switch power off
And I should receive alert on my mobile phone.
I'm planning to use MQTT for messaging between components. The messaging allows loose coupling between components. I've a level of confidence in MQTT based on my past projects (like Smart Shower) as well in a business context.
While I'm waiting for Intel Edison I inspected at my old smoke detector. It is quite old (produced in 1999). It still can produce noise during push test. But I will run a real "smoke test" to see if its sensor can still detect smoke. (Update: The smoke test confirmed that it is still working as expected). Just in case it is not working I've ordered a new smoke sensor MQ-2 as Grove-Starter Kit doesn't have one. It is Arduino compatible and quite inexpensive. (Update: It will be interesting to compare precision of MQ-2 vs. built-in sensor. But I expect that built-in sensor is consuming much less energy.).
It requires 9V power supply.
And this is back side of its board and buzzer.
Thanks to all and especially mcb1 and jkutzsch, who helped me with this post!
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