So, I have completed my DIY FLiP Connected X-Mas Ornament and displayed it on the old X-Mas tree. It all seems to be working fine and I even added the option to dim certain colors. Also, I created a case to house the FLiP, OLED and Blueto... a little side project with the Adafruit Pi OLED Display. It's a very tiny (26mm x 8mm) OLED Display. On this little display I have created a Holiday Greeting by modifying one of the included python e...
This is an update to my FLiP Connect X-Mas Ornament project. For this update I have added a second RGB board for a second Ornament, added a Parallax 96x64 OLED Display Module for a Snowman graphic, and configured Flask on a Raspberry Pi to cont...
Introducing the Infinity Living Christmas Wreath. This was created by my kids Chrystal, Nicholas and myself. We wanted to create something for the season that would be unique. So here it is.
What w...