Hi everyone, happy Friday With the Holidays competition concluded, it’s not yet time to announce the winners but I did want to do a quick wrap-up of all the fantastic, holiday-themed projects that everyone submitted.
I am including a short summary of every project below but I encourage everyone to check out the full project posts for yourselves to see all the included imagery and videos. I know a lot of you already have and it’s been great seeing so many likes, words of encouragement and support for one another.
robogary – Naughty Elf Animatronic Holiday Air Freshener
Exactly as described, our first project is a motion-triggered Elf on the Shelf which plays music and not-so-stealthily seasons the air with a holiday-themed scent. Definitely has to be seen to be believed and very mischievous. Great stuff!
Attila Tőkés – 3D Snowflake Ornament with BLE Connectivity
Attila wowed everyone with their 3D-printed snowflake which glistens and glows across its crystalline body. Ethereal, soothing and very festive.
kmikemoo – Christmas Warmth & Choo Choo Go Stick
Kmikemoo gave us two seasonal submissions!
The first, Christmas Warmth, was a recreation of a miniature fire barrel to keep his inflatable cows warm on cold winter nights using an LED spotlight, expanding insulating foam, a 5 gallon bucket and some artistry to recreate the look of a crackling log fire.
The second submission, Choo Choo Go Stick, modified a battery-operated model train to be controlled by his 4 year old grandson, enabling the train to be started and stopped using a magical ‘go stick’ Check out the project page for a great video demonstration.
manojroy123 – LED Night Lamp Painting
A framed picture got a sparkly, seasonal upgrade in this project with a string of LED lights attached to the back. The LEDs shine through the picture and light it up, adding a festive look to the painting during the day and enabling it to function as a nightlight at night.
maxpowerr – Playstation 1 Replacing CD-Rom
Receiving new games consoles and videogames as gifts have a special place in many of our hearts and that’s what inspired Maxpowerr to breathe new life into his old Playstation 1 console. He rescued it from his attic and, after discovering it could not read discs anymore, he connected the console to the CD drive from an old audio player to bring it back to life. Happy gaming!
me_Cris – What Is Your Wish?
Using Kingbright matrices from an elevator panel and a homemade PCB created using the thermal toner transfer method, me_Cris created an LED matrix circuit to send a seasonal message to the e14 community.
Alistair – Santa Countdown
I know at least one person who starts counting down to Christmas starting on the day after Christmas, that’s how much they love the holiday, and this project is perfect for anyone who falls into that category, both the young and the young at heart. Alistair has used a dot matrix module to make a device that tells you how many sleeps there are until Christmas. It comes complete with a 3D-printed enclosure, stick-on Christmas bow and rubber duck Santa called Chris
meera_hussien – Festive Interactive LED Wreath with Music and Motion Magic
Meera_hussien created an interactive LED festive wreath which incorporates motion-triggered dynamic lighting and synchronized audio playback. A sturdy 3D-printed base keeps it grounded and includes cylindrical holes where perhaps candles could be added. Check out the videos to see the wreath in action!
balajivan1995 – Voice Controllable Zen Garden
Check out the video for this project which is voice-controlled via Alexa to fully appreciate this great-looking Zen Garden which combines a fountain, Plants, and LED lighting with adjustable light intensity and colour to provide a sense of peace and reduce stress.
iker46 – Santa’s Mailbox
What do you do with a broken mailbox? For iker46, the choice was clear, turn it into mailbox direct to Santa, complete with an E-ink display. Anyone sending a letter is told what the date is and how many days there are until presents will be arriving. The adjustable, candy cane-colored pole can be used to increase the height of the mailbox as children grow up which is a great idea.
battlecoder – Christmas Music Box!
Battlecoder used an Arduino connected to a speaker to play Jingle Bells underneath their Christmas tree. A transistor-based amplifier made sure it had enough volume to fill their apartment with music and it all fits inside a neat, unobtrusive box under the tree. Fun and musical
Well done again to everyone who submitted a project. It’s been fantastic seeing so many varied projects all approaching the theme from different places with very worthwhile motivations and reasoning behind each one.
Have an amazing weekend and there is not long now until we announce the winners of this competition. See y’all next week