For my Sand Based Cat Detector (Cat Detector Using Sand #2 : The Implementation ) I used a lead acid battery with spade connections. I have never properly used spade connections before (I usually use crocodile clips or solder directly) so I thought this would be a good time to start as I am working my way towards an outdoor mobile robot and robust and reliable connections are essential. Not really knowing much about making spade or crimping connections I decide that the best approach would be to buy some and just try it out. I have wanted to crimp for some time so rather than find out about it I just blundered in and bought something. I do not expect to do much crimping in the future so just looked online and bought the cheapest set I could find that seemed to do what I wanted.
I used deep learning to update my natural neural networks in my head, basically I just stuck some wire inside the crimpets (or connectors) and tried to make good connections with the wire using the crimping tool. Initially there was little success as the tool I obtained did not come with any instructions what-so-ever. The crimpets would not stay on the wire while I attempted to use the crimping tool and several crimpets were harmed in this process.
It took me several attempts to work out that the tool I had purchased did not do any folding of the little tabs on the crimpets. Once I had worked this out and folded over the ;little tabs using some pin nosed pliers I was able to make some good crimped connections. I'm not sure if it uses cold-welding or just mechanical interference to make a good physical and electrical connection, but they seem to work, so all is good.
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