This is the second blog post in a series of posts celebrating 10 years of Arduino! This series highlights how Arduino has powered a number of innovations in the field of education and engineering. Robotic arms are used extensively for num...
Happy Arduino day!!! Do you remember racing a car in a video game, bumping into your opponent, your joystick happens to vibrate and you could feel the collision? This is the science of haptics. Haptic devices provide users a sense of physical in...
Behold the Winners of the Arduino Anniversary "Give Me 10" Contest! We are announcing 10 Arduino Uno winners, one for each day of the Contest. It's easy to join the fun! Here are the winners: 1) March 24th: Saudin Dizdarevic sug...
Join the Arduino Anniversary “Give Me 10!” Contest & Win an Arduino Uno Help us celebrate Arduino’s 10th birthday! Share your best Arduino project idea in 10 words or fewer between March 24th and April 4th, 2014!It's Simple to Join:Register ...
Hey everyone.Just joined up here.I have all sorts of interests. I am building a diy cnc machine, a self steering kontiki, automated christmas display and salt water marine tank which includes lots of automation.I was recommended to this forum as it h...
NightShade Electronics is proud to present the energyShield! The energyShield is an Arduino shield designed with one simple purpose in mind: to help innovators everywhere power their projects without being tied to a wire. Watch the video H...
Attached is my first attempt at C language programming for my new Arduino UNO R3.I am unable to understand the VERIFIER's error messages. Any help would be really appreciatedBeauNew Member Robot ver. 1.0int Duration=0; // Define a timed va...
Hello, my name is Beau Palmer. Married with 2 adult children and 3 wonderful grandchildren. Retired telecommunications engineer. Interested in nearly ALL things electronic, electrical and electromechanical. I'll end here. If anyone receives this tran...
1) I understand that the board has 14 outputs on it. I would like to use these to control a board with 14 or 16 relaysNot sure where to look for this any ideas2). I know you can download a software program to control the Uno. Can I use somethin...
Dear element14 members, I am doing a science fair project where I am taking 10 readings from a photo-resistor and trying to take the greatest value to do something else. Is there a simpler code than making a lot of ...
I had a bit of a play with a run time clock module yesterday. It's an I2C device that I got as a cheap import from Hong Kong using the DS1307 chip.Basically once you've got the right libary it's really simple to use, you don't even need to set the ad...
I am trying to search for a code to couple the Centipede to the Arduino Mega2560, using the Cetipede 64 pin to work with a simple programme such as 1 input on the Mega and sequence of timings; int pin2 = 2;int pin3 = 3;int pin4 = 4;int pin5 = 5;...
Here is a video I posted with the description copied below of a simple slideshow project I made. It is rather easy for a beginner to put together and has some potential for adding more complex features. It can be done with any of the display shields ...
In this project using only an Arduino with an Ethernet shield.I’ll be controlling one LED and a servo, but you can apply this method to control a DC motors, buzzers, relays, stepper motors, etc.. Check this Video tutorial below ! (Includes demon...
For small robotic and other projects you can pick up small 28BYJ-48 stepper motors and gearbox with ULN2003ULN2003 driver boards quite cheaply. These motors are used in comercial projects like washing machines etc hence are made in very large quantit...
Hi Friends, I have been thinking of wireless nodes for a while now and came up with the cheapest ever fully sustained Features, wireless node : Features....---------- 2.4GHz (TransReciever) Radio (nRF24L01+ Radio) ---------------------- 32...
IntroductionAmongst the stuff available from Farnell/Newark I noticed an interesting Arduino kit. I wanted to share my impression of it, in case it is useful for others in the same predicament – what to get for a beginner interested in engineering wi...
Written in Java, Arduino software can be downloaded for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X for free. Arduino makes things easier by releasing the environment with full Arduino support for writing code and uploading the code into the board memory. Software ...
Arduino has a pretty good footing as the household name for beginners to get into electronics. Especially when it comes to that critical first task of blinking an LED, no other manufacturer makes it easier. Thanks to the power of today...
Have you put together an Arduino-based circuit and looking to nicely (but easily) document it? Or perhaps you're looking to create an Arduino Shield with EAGLE and want to start with the correct dimensions of the headers. Element14 ha...
I'm a complete beginner when it comes to electronics and programming, so I decided to help educate myself I would buy an Arduino starter kit. This kit arrived yesterday and came with an Arduino Project book which is jam packed with information and tu...