Some days ago I have assembled a first prototye of a PSoC 4200 series based on the CY8CKIT-049042xx board "implanted" over a custom board. The microcontroller can manage a couple of Stepper motors via a L298 controller board. Every unit will be controlled by a Raspberry PI via I2C protocol. Below the schematics and the first PCB.
I tested the boards and worked well but I discovered a missing wire, the common ground signal between the PI and the controlled boards. The boards does not need a VCC as are powered by a different source. For prototype testing this is not a very serious problems, I wired an extra-cable to connect the two ground.
Then I have updated the schematics to a version 2 with a new PCB layout. For completeness I have added the following things:
- The GND pin for the I2C connector
- The VCC pin (not used in this particular project but useful in some other case(
- Replicated the connector to have the option to create an I2C bus chain from a Raspberry PI to multiple boards (with different I2C address
Below the new schematics and the new layout
The two I2 connectors on the board can be shown in the layout in the bottom left corner.
My doubt is if it is sufficient to replicate the layout as shown in the images above or some extra circuitry is needed (e.g. to differentiate the I2C in and the out connectors). Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks in advance.