Hi everybody, eagle-6.1 free newbie here. Eagle newbie, never used it till
now. Very old hand at electronics, 60+ years working in both design and
I have designed a 9 part, double sided board, 3 of the parts are
opto-interruptors but I find that the router wants to put connections to it
on the top side of the board. I am feeding this to pcb2gcode and milling
the board on a small mill running what used to be emc but which we were
forced to rename to LinuxCNC a few weeks back.
My problem is that I cannot plate thru the component holes, so by the time
I run a piece of 30 gage kynar wire thru the hole and solder the top, the
solder prevents the opto device from sitting down on the board so it can be
bolted down.
That means that I need to specify to the auto router somehow, that those 5
terminals on each of the 3 devices need to be wired from the bottom without
exception. The 3 resistors and 3 diodes can be soldered top and bottom as
they are accessible to my soldering iron from both sides. Small vias aren't
a problem as long as they aren't under these devices.
Perhaps an outline of a verboten area in the Tkeepout layer? Likely there
are several ways to skin this long lived cat and I'm thinking out loud.
Is there some way, perhaps even in that parts library description, to tell
the autorouter that this part can only be connected to on the bottom,
solder side of the board? Perhaps by nuking the via outline in layer 1,
leaving only the leads through hole?
Or some similar workaround that would do the same thing by removing the top
layer from the autorouters "I can use this" mapping?
Thanks, Gene
Cheers, Gene
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