Happy St. Patrick's Day to the Element14 Community!
My WII reminded me this morning that it was St. Patrick's Day -
Last year I had intended to use the Pi Pico as my something green, but ended up using a different board instead - Happy St Patrick's Day
This year, I have a Grove expansion board for the Pi Pico that I haven't tried and it seemed like a good opportunity to use it.
Or course, there's always some "gotcha" when trying to do something quickly. I wanted to use a 2 line character LCD, but I don't have a 3.3V one, so I opted for a small OLED I2C display instead. I've used these with a Pico before, so it seemed that it would be easy. I was surprised when it didn't work. A quick check with an I2C scan program showed that the display wasn't being seen. It turns out that all the nicely labeled Grove sockets don't match the GPIO assignments in the Pi Pico Arduino Mbed library and I don't have a specific variant pin file for this expansion board. I had just run into the same problem with a SparkFun RP2040 board. I guess I'll need to start creating my own variant files until the manufacturers release their board libraries. Looking at the schematic, I found that the default Wire (I2C) pins for the Pico had been assigned to a socket labeled UART1. So, I just plugged the OLED into that socket and it all worked.
Here's my simple kluge - the 3D printed bracket is a mistake from a previous project.