In the previous blog I took a simple 555 oscillator that had been adapted for voltage control and used it as a component part of a phase-locked loop (PLL). In this final blog, of what has turned out to be a series, I'm attempting to use...
In the previous blog I took a simple 555 oscillator and adapted it so that it was voltage controlled (a VCO). In this blog I'm going to carry on and use that VCO as a component part of a phase-locked loop (PLL).
This is the overall circuit now. ...
In the last blog, I used a 555 timer to make a simple oscillator. It used an additional transistor, as a current source for the capacitor charging, in place of the resistor that would usually be used. Although the blog focused on the linear nature of...
The ST datasheet for the 555 has this circuit for generating a linear ramp. The linearity comes from the use of a transistor to give a constant current source for the capacitor charging.As shown, it's a monostable (it's designed to generate the ramp ...
I've never used a 555 timer as a monostable, so I thought I'd give it a go. This should be easy, shouldn't it.
Here's the circuit as it's given on an old ST datasheet.
As they describe it, a falling edge at the trigger input sets the output and...