I just saw that Arduino introduced a new Nicla board at CES a couple of days ago - Have You Heard - Nicla Voice is out at CES 2023.
The tiny module with all the sensors, intelligence and connectivity to unleash AI’s potential with sound
The 22.86 x 22.86 mm Nicla Voice allows for easy implementation of always-on speech recognition on the edge, because it integrates Syntiant’s powerful NDP120 Neural Decision Processor to run multiple AI algorithms, leveraging bio-inspired, advanced machine learning to automate complex tasks.
Nicla Voice comes with a comprehensive package of sensors: in addition to its high-performance microphone, it features a smart 6-axis motion sensor and a magnetometer, making it the ideal solution for predictive maintenance, gesture/voice recognition and contactless applications.
Looks like a nice addition to the Nicla line (Nicla Sense ME, Nicla Vision). It is priced at $82, but similar to when the other boards were announced it is not yet available at the Arduino store - you can subscribe to a Wait List.
It has a Nordic nRF52832 MCU, so in addition to the sensors it has BLE communication.
The feature that will differentiate this board is the NDP processor which allows multiple AI processes to run concurrently which is something that I always wanted to have. I think this would be a great board to use for the "Save the Bees Challenge", but don't think it will be available in time.
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