PONF means Photography On Film. That's all
What is behind this acronym to be a project worthy noticed on Element14 and followed - hopefully - by the members, engineers, hobbyists, makers and photography passionates?
The PONF idea born about one year and half ago; the most interesting aspect of this reflex camera project initially was the idea of making a removable 35 mm multi-back DSLR camera supporting both digital photography and traditional film photography alternatively. At the actual date this remain the most important aspect of the product while a series of innovative technological approaches, has been added. Some of these are totally new in a DSLR professional camera.
Multi-back and more
Based on a design inspired to the mid 70's reflex cameras integrating the most advanced technology, the PONF DSLR has a double personality: by one side the digital back supporting totally new features never seen in a camera and by the other side a vintage design revisited with a 35 mm film back to restore the user experience of the manual analog photography. Also the analog back will include some tech that improve the usability without losing the fascination of the shoot in manual mode.
The image above shows the proof of concept, it is similar but not the complete reference design. This image aims to point on the style of the camera.
It's open!
Last July 1st I started partnering with the project CEO Raffaello Palandri (on E14 him too... Sound strange he has not yet presented himself, I should put a reminder ) The first official move I have done as PONF project CTO was to make the project open. What does it means? Read the few points below:
- The software is Open Source (not yet sure what kind of license will be used). Excluding some few protected parts due limitations imposed by some supplier the sources will be available on GitHub repositories.
- Hardware endpoints are accessible and documented: hackable
- Is Linux-based. Users can create their own applications to enhance the base features or create new applications.
Focused on the Raspberry PI Compute Module 3 the PONF digital back has a modular star architecture design giving high flexibility to the system leaving wide space to any kind of improvement.
Part of the PONF camera kit there is the analog back focused on a mechanical approach to make 35 mm film shots.
This post is the first of a long series; Element14 will host the project story and evolution from now until the product distribution on the market.
You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, the Balearic Dynamics blog and the PONF official site.
PONF Project: Presentation Interview
Thanks to Element14 for hosting the PONF Multiback Camera open project; below the link to the project introductory interview by jlucas (John Lucas)
PONF: Creating The World's First Intelligent Multi-Back Camera
PONF Project: Articles List
Below the links to the articles already posted.
PONF Project: Prototyping stage 1
PONF Project: Road Testing the Compute Module 3 as Desktop
PONF Project: Sony 24Mp Sensor Vs Raspberry PI Compute Module 3
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