FPGAs and microprocessors are more similar than you may think; here's a primer on how to program an FPGA. Small processors are, by far, the largest selling class of computers and form the basis of many embedded systems. The first single-chip microprocessors contained approximately 10,000 gates of logic and 10,000 bits of memory. Today, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provide single chips approaching 10 million gates of logic and 10 million bits of memory.
Powerful tools exist to program these powerful chips. Unlike microprocessors, not only the memory bits, but also the logical gates are under your control as the programmer.
An embedded systems programmer is aware of the development processes used with microprocessors. The development process for FPGAs is similar enough that you'll have no problem understanding it but sufficiently different that you'll have to think differently to use it well. We'll use the similarities to understand the basics.
Keep reading for more detailed information of these two components.