What OS do you prefer to run synthesizers, simulators and compilers on?
win8.1,win10 and Linux(only know Ubuntu, kali and arch). but Linux operate almost the same. no use in liking windows prior to 7 because they are too slow.
Just break down to families would suffice.
Do I have to offer the 100 Linux distros as choices?
Why not start a new poll Richard?
You left off the most popular Linux distros - The various *buntus, Fedora desktops, and Linux Mint desktops.
I also like Windows 10, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows Vista.
Windows xp
Windows XP is a nice light weight os that is just amazing.
GNU/Linux Ubuntu / Zorin
Windows 8.1
EDIT: Switched to mint: mate edition on some older hardware
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