How to: start your own Pico SCPI project, based on Pico SCPI USBTMC labLib?
You can start from the example source: PST.. Have you worked with the Pico SCPI labTool? and adapt it to your needs. Git and GitHub will help you to get a project set up in minutes.
1: use GitHub Web to start from my template (easiest)
I enabled the template option for this repository on GitHub. This allows you to directly start a fresh repository from the current code base with a few clicks.
2: If you prefer the command line approach:
image: a new repository, primed and ready to start a project for Data Acquisition Board for Pi Pico
1. on GitHub, create a new (empty) repository (say: pico_scpi_usbtms_relayboard)
2. On your computer, get the latest version of PST:
git clone --recurse-submodules
3. On your computer, push the PST code base to your new GitHub repo:
cd pico_scpi_usbtmc_labtool
git push<yourname>/pico_scpi_usbtms_relayboard.git +main:main
You can get the clone url of your new project from GitHub:
optionally, you can now delete the cloned repository on your computer. It was only needed to prime your new github repository.
4. On your computer, you can now clone that new repository:
git clone<yourname>/pico_scpi_usbtms_relayboard.git --recurse-submodules
5. On your computer, set an environment variable PICO_SDK_PATH=<path to where you installed the pico sdk>.
You can do this on OS level. And most IDEs allow you to define environment variables (CLion: in the Project wizard. VSCode: in the CMake extension config).
You will get a ready-to-go project, with the same code as the Pico SCPI labTool. Ready to build your own firmware.