Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Adding CapSense Buttons
- How To Configure The OLED Display
- Device Assembly
- Programming, Test and Troubleshooting
- Summary
Hi everyone! Below I show you the idea of my project as a beverage dispenser using the Infineon PSoC 62S4 board. Initially I thought of only cold lemonade drinks, but now it occurred to me for tea or any cold or warm beverage.
Elevator Pitch
This PSoC 62S4 based machine will always prepare perfect beverage.
A water dispenser, known as water cooler, is a machine that dispenses and often also cools or heats up water with a refrigeration unit. It is commonly located near the restroom due to closer access to plumbing.
Water dispensers come in a variety of form factors, ranging from wall-mounted to bottle filler water dispenser combination units, to bi-level units and other formats. They are generally broken up into two categories: point-of-use (POU) water dispensers and bottled water dispensers.
This device will run low power applications on the Cortex-M0+, then wake the Cortex-M4 for more complex tasks requiring additional processing power as shown below:
- Using a distance sensor, the device will detect the amount of beverage water in the water container.
- A second distance sensor, the device will detect the approaching glass to be filled with beverage water.
- A third distance sensor will detect that the glass of water is full.
- A small water pump will be activated each time it is necessary to pump water from the water container into the glass.
- Once the glass of water is filled, the water pump will be deactivated.
- The entire process of the water dispenser will be observed on an LCD display.
- If I have enough time for this project, I will experiment and add a peltier cell to keep the lemon water cold.
- PSoC 62S4 Pioneer Kit,
- PSoC 62S2 Pioneer Kit,
- IoT Sense Expansion Kit (CY8CKIT-028-SENSE),
- IR distance sensors,
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- Mini water pump
- Servo
- ModusToolbox 3.0
- PSoC Creator 4.4
This idea is a point-of-use water dispenser, and maybe I'll make minor changes during experimentation, since there are several ideas I want to try such as add another Infineon board (PSoC 62S2 or PSoC 4100S), and using Capsense buttons, calibrating the distance sensors, monitoring via an LCD screen and other.