Blog List:
1.Uncover the Cores: Introduction
3. Uncover the Cores: System Concept & Workflow
4. Uncover the Cores: Getting started with PSoC 62S4 Pioneer Kit
5. Uncover the Cores: Final Project
In this blog, I will introduce my plan to go through "At The Core Design Challenge". I plan to study the kit in detail and prepare a few blogs about it. After that I will go into the project details and finally conclude with the blog summarizing the project.
About the Challenge
Infineon has recently released ModusToolbox 3.0, which allows developers to create projects that take advantage of the dual-core architecture of the PSoC 62S4 microcontroller. The challenge involves demonstrating the use of both the Cortex-M0+ and Cortex-M4 cores in a project using the ModusToolbox 3.0 development environment.
I will be using the PSoC 62S4 Pioneer Platform to develop my project. The aim is to showcase the capabilities of the dual-core architecture of the PSoC 62S4 microcontroller and ModusToolbox 3.0 development environment, and to create a project that is both innovative and practical.
In the next blog, I will discuss in detail about the kit including the unboxing. In the coming blogs, I will discuss the system design & workflow, setting up PSoC 62S4 and interfacing with it and finally the completed project with the summary.
Hope that you have fun and learn along with me in this journey!