Safe & Sound @ E14-CLEWE @ #3_GPS decisions.
Kits are still on hold while the parts are being gathered. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of those!
In the in-between time Jan Cumps continues to share great pieces of information for the MCU and all of us are busy researching and planning. Here is a link to the latest of the TI-RTOS blogs, at the bottom are more links to the other 9! Great stuff!
In blog #2 I mentioned I was looking at some GPS options and asked for anyone to share their experiences with such.
A big thank you to msimon for the sharing of your experience with the ADAFRUIT ultimate GPS breakout and continuing to discuss the various merits of my listed 4 gps options of interest.
And yet another thank you to Jan Cumps for sharing more specific information relating to the Adafruit GPS and using with the TI MCU.
Interaction like that always improves the project!
My final choice was ordered last week and I am now waiting for Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield
to arrive. This option appears to be the best and provides many interesting features:
- -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels
- Low power module - only 20mA current draw, half of most GPS's
- Assembled & tested shield for Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila/Leonardo (not for use with Mega/ADK/Due)
- MicroSD card slot for datalogging onto a removable card
- RTC battery included, for up to 7 years backup
- Built-in datalogging to flash
- PPS output on fix
- Internal patch antenna + u.FL connector for external active antenna
- Power, Pin #13 and Fix status LED
- Big prototyping area
The Learn Adafruit website has some intriguing looking information that I am eager to test with their Ultimate GPS Shield.
Some specifics are Built In Logging details as well as the SD Logging.
They provide examples/code as well links to even more detailed information in user guides:
LOCUS (built-in-datalogging system) user guide
As before if anyone has some interesting information they want to share in regards to the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield or even just general suggestions/comments please feel free to do so!
Thank you and I look forward to being able to share more in the next blog!
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