Safe & Sound @ E14-CLEWE @ #5_The box, the box!
Welcome back! The excitement of the above video portrays my excitement upon learning UPS had dropped off a box from Element 14. Instead of saying "The plane, the plane!", I was saying, "The box, the box!" :-)
To share some of the experience here are some pictures as I looked at everything that had arrived:
The box! Woohoo!
After removing the packing material the treasure has been revealed!
Everything inside the box:
Top Row:
Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2535895&nsku=38Y6657&COM=noscriptCC3100MODBOOST Wi-Fi Network Processor
Texas Instruments BQ25570EVM-206BQ25570EVM-206 Power Management Bat
Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2429519&nsku=11X5261&COM=noscript430BOOST-SHARP96 Memory LCD Booster Pack
Bottom Row:
Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2664482&nsku=98Y7808&COM=noscriptBOOSTXL-CC2650MA BLE Network Processor
Texas Instruments Main Application MCU - https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2473128&nsku=41Y9541&COM=noscriptMSP-EXP432P401R
Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=1893318&nsku=34T5679&COM=noscript430BOOST-SENSE1 Capacitive Touch Booster Pack
Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2535894&nsku=74X8084&COM=noscriptDLP-7970ABP NFC Transceiver
The only item still outstanding for the Kit is the Texas Instruments https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2510675&nsku=72Y1732&COM=noscriptBOOSTXL-SENSORS Sensors Booster Pack.
Which from what I have read is still in the process of obtaining from supplier to then be shipped to us.
Personally I appreciate greatly that rscasny and the others of Element 14 sent out as much as they could so we can start some hands on work with the parts that are available.
Sadly I did not have a TI MSP-EXP432P401RMSP-EXP432P401R and have been really looking forward to getting it here to check sizing and start IDE work with it
While I did not remove them from their protective bags, I thought bringing them out of their boxes may give everyone a better idea of size for each item we are working with. E14 Blue Dude is on location to provide size comparison.
Here is a close up on the TI https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2473128&nsku=41Y9541&COM=noscriptMSP-EXP432P401R
Big plans for this MCU!
Finally, because I was curious and thought others may be as well. Here is a comparison of a Raspberry Pi 2b, the TI MCU, an Arduino UNO and the AdaFruit Ultimate GPS Shield with Logging.
Now I am off to test out the MCU, plan out some fitting of various items within an appropriate wrist enclosure sized area and of course, have some fun doing it all!
If you have any questions I can assist with please feel free to let me know in the comments below or message.
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