Safe & Sound @ E14-CLEWE @ #7_Blog7
When Computer systems fail, it pours! I know that isn't the actual quote but it seemed apt currently.
After being lucky enough to have solid performing computer provided to me and all of my software loaded onto it, the kind lender had an emergency where he needed his hardware back. So back to reloading everything onto another system! Since the Energia load was previously documented I am not going to redo already covered information.
The new system is up and running, a tad slower, well a lot slower, since it is older, but it is going forward which is the preferred direction.
One of the big items I have been working has been just doing some basic testing to see how well the Ultimate GPS Data Logger shield would interface with the TI MCU and Energia. Nothing too fancy, just trying to receive the basic NMEA string I was seeing with the Arduino UNO.
Sadly no success as of yet. So I started working with some of the kit items to see if they interface well and that is showing progress.
Here I have the TI MCU (https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2473128&nsku=41Y9541&COM=noscriptMSP-EXP432P401R ) with the Sensor booster ( https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2510675&nsku=72Y1732&COM=noscriptBOOSTXL-SENSORS) mounted directly on top. Off to the side I have the LCD booster (https://www.element14.com/community/view-product.jspa?fsku=2429519&nsku=11X5261&COM=noscript430BOOST-SHARP96), and of course on the left I have my Ultimate GPS Data Logger shield.
While my GPS is showing green and even eventually getting a full signal, at no time am I seeing anything coming across the Serial Monitor. I will continue to pursue this and am wondering if some code I am working on that specifies GPS might be of assistance.
Actually having the kit in hand has let me lay out some of the boosters and I really like the idea of the sensor booster and the LCD booster applied to the CLEWE so these are the 2 boosters I am starting with while also trying to tie in the GPS.
As you can see with the picture I think I will be able to mount the GPS shield next to the Sensor booster and save some space. The LCD will be slightly off so the project does not get to thick and unwieldy. I still want to have space for the battery so the LCD will have a friend.
Off of the Energia website (appropriately found in the reference section,) I found some test code for the LCD_SharpBoosterPack. It was based off of the 430 but is still valid and a quick and fun way to test the LCD.
// Sharp BoosterPackLCD SPI
// Example for library for Sharp BoosterPack LCD with hardware SPI
// Author : Stefan Schauer
// Date : Jan 29, 2014
// Version: 1.00
// File : LCD_SharpBoosterPack_SPI_main.ino
// Version: 1.01 : added support for CC3200
// Based on the LCD5110 Library
// Created by Rei VILO on 28/05/12
// Copyright (c) 2012 http://embeddedcomputing.weebly.com
// Licence CC = BY SA NC
#include "Energia.h"
// Include application, user and local libraries
#include "SPI.h"
#include "LCD_SharpBoosterPack_SPI.h"
// Variables
LCD_SharpBoosterPack_SPI myScreen;
uint8_t k = 0;
// Add setup code
void setup() {
#if defined(__MSP430__) //SPI for MSP430 processors
#elif defined(__TM4C123GH6PM__ || __LM4F120H5QR__) //SPI for TM4C and LM4F processors
//SPI.Select(2); //Chip select pin 2 for TM4C
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV128); // for LM4F120H5QR DIV2 = 4 MHz !
#elif defined(__CC3200R1M1RGC__) //SPI for CC3200 processors
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); // for __CC3200R1M1RGC__ DIV2 = 4 MHz !
myScreen.text(10, 10, "Hello!");
// Add loop code
void loop() {
myScreen.text(k, 10, "ABCDE");
for (uint8_t i=10; i<LCD_HORIZONTAL_MAX-10; i++) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=20; i++) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=20; i++) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=20; i++) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=20; i++) {
myScreen.text(10, 60, "ABC");
Just for fun I modified the two lines I highlighted in Green. Replacing the "ABCDE" with "CLEWE" and the "ABC" with "E14"
If you are going to do a test you might as well make it fit your Project!
Here is a not so clear/sharp image of the LCD_SharpBooster Pack with CLEWE moving around.
Since the success of that code I have been working on a new sketch that will pull the temperature from the Sensor booster and display it on the LCD as well as hopefully parsing the GPS data and displaying it.
Thank you for your time and attention!
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