David Edwards
I have always liked to tinker, from a very young age I took things apart and tried to fix them. Occasionally, I would actually fix things! I kept this up, complete with bad soldering using a 1960s soldering iron until I got into computers at about 18. Then everything changed for me, I started to discover projects that could overlap electronics and computing. Other than a few simple PC mods (mostly LED lighting) the first big project I worked on was a touchscreen coffee table.
In only got into watching Youtube about 18 months ago, where I discovered Element 14 presents. So when they held a competition, I thought why not! I had so much fun working on the project and video, I wanted to keep doing it.
Thank you so much for joining me on the journey, I am learning lots as I go, both with the electronics and the video production. I always aim to learn something new and push myself, so don't expect me to make anything look easy!
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