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This is my last post for the Home Automation Project14 event due to time constraints. My intention was to implement controlling the GPIO connections from P2 on the MATRIX Creator via openHAB, but that is not quite working at this point, so I am moving to just the Everloop control which I already have configured in openHAB. This control from openHAB is from the Exec Binding calling python scripts using the matrix-lite-py interfaces. The Basic UI is used from openHAB to send the commands to the MATRIX Creator.
Previous Posts:
OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: Intro
OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: MATRIX Lite Python
OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 MQTT Binding
OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: OpenHAB 2 Exec Binding
OpenHAB 2 with Matrix Creator and RasPi 3 A+: GPIO and Postmortem
MATRIX Lite Python
Using the example that came with the MATRIX Lite Python interfaces, I have created a couple of methods that can turn on and off the Everloop LEDs as well as control the color and brightness.
Python Script uses a Dictionary to sed specific colors.
ledMatrix = {'red': {'ledr' : 1, 'ledg' : 0 , 'ledb' : 0, 'ledw' : 0}, 'green': {'ledr' : 0, 'ledg' : 1 , 'ledb' : 0, 'ledw' : 0}, 'blue': {'ledr' : 0, 'ledg' : 0 , 'ledb' : 1, 'ledw' : 0}, 'white': {'ledr' : 0, 'ledg' : 0 , 'ledb' : 0, 'ledw' : 1}, 'off': {'ledr' : 0, 'ledg' : 0 , 'ledb' : 0, 'ledw' : 0}, 'on': {'ledr' : 1, 'ledg' : 1 , 'ledb' : 1, 'ledw' : 1} } ## LED Example ## def runEverloop(self, color): self.everloop = hal.everloop() color = color.lower() print ("Color: %s" % color) for i in range(self.everloop.ledCount): #led = hal.led(0,0,0,0)#led.r led.g led.b led.w led = hal.led(ledMatrix.get(color, {}).get('ledr'), ledMatrix.get(color, {}).get('ledg'), ledMatrix.get(color, {}).get('ledb'), ledMatrix.get(color, {}).get('ledw'), )#led.r led.g led.b led.w self.leds.append(led) del led self.everloop.set(self.leds)
Python method to dynamically set LED colors:
## LED Color set ## def setEverloop(self, colorVal): self.everloop = hal.everloop() print ("Color: %s" % colorVal) colorList = colorVal.split(":") for i in range(self.everloop.ledCount): #led = hal.led(0,0,0,0)#led.r led.g led.b led.w led = hal.led(int(colorList[0], 16), int(colorList[1], 16), int(colorList[2], 16), int(colorList[3], 16) )#led.r led.g led.b led.w self.leds.append(led) del led del colorList self.everloop.set(self.leds)
Sorry, I am not sure what is happening with the formatting of the code but I do not have time to fix they way the code looks.
openHAB Items config
Switch SetELoopRed "EverLoop Red" { channel="exec:command:eloop_color_red:online" } Switch SetELoopBlue "EverLoop Blue" { channel="exec:command:eloop_color_blue:online" } Color SetELoopColor "EverLoop Color" <slider>
openHAB Sitemap config
Frame label="EverLoop" { Switch item=SetELoopRed label="eLoop Red" icon="colorpicker" Switch item=SetELoopBlue label="eLoop Blue" icon="colorpicker" } Frame label="EverLoop Color" { Colorpicker item=SetELoopColor label="eLoop color" icon="colorpicker" }
openHAB Rules
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.HSBType var String eLoopCmd = '/usr/bin/python3 /opt/openhab2/conf/scripts/newTempScript.py ' //var String eLoopColor = '/usr/bin/python3 /opt/openhab2/conf/scripts/newTempScript.py ' + '--color' + ' ' rule "Set Eloop Red" when Item SetELoopRed received command then if(receivedCommand == ON) { var String eLoopRed = eLoopCmd + '-e' + ' \"'+ 'red' + '\"' logInfo("SetELoopRed", "setting everloop to red") executeCommandLine(eLoopRed) } else { var String eLoopOff = eLoopCmd + '-e' + ' \"'+ 'off' + '\"' logInfo("SetELoopRed", "setting everloop to off") executeCommandLine(eLoopOff) } end rule "Set Eloop Blue" when Item SetELoopBlue received command then if(receivedCommand == ON) { var String eLoopBlue = eLoopCmd + '-e' + ' \"'+ 'blue' + '\"' logInfo("SetELoopBlue", "setting everloop to blue") executeCommandLine(eLoopBlue) } else { var String eLoopOff = eLoopCmd + '-e' + ' \"'+ 'off' + '\"' logInfo("SetELoopBlue", "setting everloop to off") executeCommandLine(eLoopOff) } end rule "Set Eloop Color" when Item SetELoopColor received update then logInfo("SetELoopColor", "Get Color") var hsbValue = SetELoopColor.state as HSBType var brightness = hsbValue.brightness.intValue var redValue = ((((hsbValue.red.intValue * 255) / 100) * brightness) / 100).toString var greenValue = ((((hsbValue.green.intValue * 255) / 100) * brightness) / 100).toString var blueValue = ((((hsbValue.blue.intValue * 255) / 100) * brightness) / 100).toString logWarn("Red", redValue) logWarn("Green", greenValue) logWarn("Blue", blueValue) var String cmd = eLoopCmd + '-c' + ' ' + '\"' + redValue + ':' + greenValue + ':' + blueValue + ':' + '0' + '\"' logInfo("SetELoopColor", cmd) executeCommandLine(cmd) end
openHAB Basic UI Everloop Controls
Well, that is about it. This has been interesting, and as always I wished I had more time to get more done, but I at least I was able to this much configured. There is still a whole host of things that can be done with this config and I will continue to work with it. I'd like to thank Tariq and element14 for providing me with the MATRIX Creator and Raspberry Pi 3 A+ for the project.
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