Our window opening monitor will not have a screen or graphic interface, so we need a means to be able to adjust the position of the sensor in the installation or on demand.
We have used a 4 digit 7 segment display to be able to monitor 4 windows at the same time. Each digit represents a window with its four corners and a moving part.
The detected marker corners are shown by turning on the LEDs corresponding to the same corner of the digit on the display. The middle segment represents the marker for the moving part of the window.
Multi-window driver 4x7 segment display
Bill of Materials
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy KitBuy Kit |
LDQ-N514RILDQ-N514RI 7 Segment LED Display, InfoVue, Red, 10 mA, 2 V, 3.9 mcd, 4, 14.22 mm | LUMEX | 1 | Buy NowBuy Now |
PN2222Bipolar (BJT) Single Transistor, NPN, 40 V, 1 A, 625 mW, TO-226AA, Through Hole | ON SEMICONDUCTOR/FAIRCHILD | 4 | Buy NowBuy Now |
220Ω Resistor | VISHAY | 8 | Buy NowBuy Now |
4.7kΩ Resistor | VISHAY | 4 | Buy NowBuy Now |
Single Board Computer, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, BCM2711 SoC, 4GB DDR4 RAM, Bulk Pack | RASPBERRY-PI | 1 | Buy NowBuy Now |
SN74HC595NSN74HC595N | TEXAS INSTRUMENTS | 1 | Buy NowBuy Now |
LDQ-N514RILDQ-N514RI 7 Segment LED Display
The LDQ-N514RILDQ-N514RI is a 0.56-inch quad digit 7-segment Display with 635mm red chip. Grey font/white segments. Common cathode
Multiplexed. We will use 4 Raspberry Pi digital outputs to select the digit. The four digital outputs are connected to 4 PN2222 transistors to drive the leds to ground.
SN74HC595NSN74HC595N shift register
We will control send data to the display serially using the clocking of a Raspberry Pi SPI interface
How it works
Each digit represents a window with its four corners and a moving part.
The detected marker corners are shown by turning on the LEDs corresponding to the same corner of the digit on the display.
The middle segment represents the marker for the moving part of the window.
Windows 2 & 3 fully detected
Sheet with Windows ID 2 to 4.
Windows 2, 3 & 4 fully detected. Window 1 not detected
Display python code
This class drives a 4x7 segment display using an SN74HC595 shift register clocked by spi clock and 4 digital lines to switch between digits.
Works in its own thread
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """wom_display_4x7_spi.py: 4 digits x7 segment display drives a 4x7 segment display using an SN74HC595 shift register clocked by spi clock and 4 digital lines to switch digits. Works in its own thread """ __author__ = "Enrique Albertos" __license__ = "GPL" import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import sys import time import threading from threading import Thread import spidev import atexit class Display4x7(threading.Thread): # PIN definitions GPIO.BCM # Connect to 74HC595 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift __bus = 0 # MOSI GPIO 10 (PIN 21) - 74HC595 pin 14 DS # SCLK GPIO 11 - 74HC595 pin 11 SHCP __device = 0 __spiSpeedDefault = 3900000 __latchPinDefault = 25 # GPIO 8 (CEO) 74HC595 pin 12 STCP # HS42056 1K-32 digit selection __digit0PinDefault = 14 # 7-Segment pin D4 __digit1PinDefault = 15 # 7-Segment pin D3 __digit2PinDefault = 18 # 7-Segment pin D2 __digit3PinDefault = 23 # 7-Segment pin D1 MARKERS = ( 0x03, # Top Left 0x05, # Top Right 0x50, # Bottom Right 0x18, # Bottom Left 0x80, # Center 0x00 # blank ) HEX_DIGITS = (0x5F, # = 0 0x44, # = 1 0x9D, # = 2 0xD5, # = 3 0xC6, # = 4 0xD3, # = 5 0xDB, # = 6 0x45, # = 7 0xDF, # = 8 0xC7, # = 9 0xCF, # = A 0xDA, # = b 0x1B, # = C 0xDC, # = d 0x9B, # = E 0x8B, # = F 0x00 # blank ) def __init__(self, initialContent = (0,0,0,0), bus=0, device=0, digit0 = __digit0PinDefault, digit1 = __digit1PinDefault, digit2 = __digit2PinDefault, digit3 = __digit3PinDefault, latchPin = __latchPinDefault, speedHz = __spiSpeedDefault): self.__displayContent = initialContent self.__latchPin = latchPin self.__digit3 = digit3 self.__digit2 = digit2 self.__digit1 = digit1 self.__digit0 = digit0 self.__shifRegisterPins = (latchPin) self.__controlDigitsPins = ( digit3, digit2, digit1, digit0 ) self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.__bus = bus self.__device = device self.__speedHz = speedHz atexit.register(self.cleanup) self.__setup() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def __initPinsAsOutputs(self, pins) : for pin in pins: GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT, initial = GPIO.LOW) def __lowPins(self, pins) : for pin in pins: GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW) def __setup(self): GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # init display control digits pins self.__initPinsAsOutputs(self.__controlDigitsPins) # init serial *** register pins GPIO.setup(self.__latchPin, GPIO.OUT, initial = GPIO.LOW) self.__spiDisplay= spidev.SpiDev() self.__spiDisplay.open(self.__bus,self.__device) self.__spiDisplay.max_speed_hz = self.__speedHz self.__spiDisplay.mode = 0 self.__spiDisplay.bits_per_word = 8 self.__spiDisplay.no_cs = True def __shiftout(self, byte): GPIO.output(self.__latchPin, 1) time.sleep(0.00000005) GPIO.output(self.__latchPin, 0) self.__spiDisplay.xfer([byte]) GPIO.output(self.__latchPin, 1) time.sleep(0.00000005) GPIO.output(self.__latchPin, 0) def run(self): # overrides thread run while True: i=0 for pin in self.__controlDigitsPins: self.__lowPins(self.__controlDigitsPins) with self.__lock: self.__shiftout(self.__displayContent[i]) GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(0.00000001) i=i+1 def display(self, displayContent = (0,0,0,0)) : with self.__lock: self.__displayContent = displayContent def displayInt(self, number = 0) : self.display((self.HEX_DIGITS[(number // 1000)%10], self.HEX_DIGITS[(number // 100)%10],self.HEX_DIGITS[(number // 10)%10],self.HEX_DIGITS[number %10])) def displayWindowCorners(self, iterable) : content = [0,0,0,0] digit=0 for element in iterable: for i in range(5) : if element[i]: content[digit] |= Display4x7.MARKERS[i] digit = digit + 1 self.display(content) def __enter__(self) : return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) : self.cleanUp() def cleanup() : self.__dislay.closeSPI(self.spiDevice) GPIO.cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': try: display = Display4x7() display.start() i=0 while True : display.displayWindowCorners([[True, True, True, True, True], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False, False]]) #display.display((Display4x7.HEX_DIGITS[i%16],Display4x7.HEX_DIGITS[(i+1)%16],Display4x7.HEX_DIGITS[(i+2)%16],Display4x7.HEX_DIGITS[(i+3)%16])) i = i + 1 time.sleep(.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('interrupted!') GPIO.cleanup() sys.exit()
Window detector python code
Window Detector as shown in the video demo
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """wom_window_detector.py: Window detector. Detects up to 4 windows marked with 5 ArUco markers each Results are sent to a 4x7 Led Display """ __author__ = "Enrique Albertos" __license__ = "GPL" from imutils.video import VideoStream import imutils import time import cv2 import numpy as np from collections import deque from _functools import reduce from wom_display_4x7_spi import Display4x7 import atexit class WindowDetector() : __WINDOW1_MARKERS = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 0) __WINDOW2_MARKERS = (11, 12, 13, 14, 10) __WINDOW3_MARKERS = (21, 22, 23, 24, 20) __WINDOW4_MARKERS = (31, 32, 33, 34, 30) __WINDOW_MARKERS = (__WINDOW1_MARKERS, __WINDOW2_MARKERS, __WINDOW3_MARKERS, __WINDOW4_MARKERS) __NO_MARKER_DETECTED = (False,False,False,False,False) __NO_WINDOW_DETECTED = (__NO_MARKER_DETECTED,__NO_MARKER_DETECTED,__NO_MARKER_DETECTED,__NO_MARKER_DETECTED) __BUFFER_LENGTH = 40 __FRAME_RATE = 4 __IMAGE_SIZE = 600 def __init__(self, display = Display4x7()): self.display = display atexit.register(self.cleanup) def __movingDetector (self, iterable): # iterates the buffer deque and ors the lists of booleans return (reduce(lambda x, y: np.bitwise_or(list(x),list(y)), iterable)).tolist() def __markersInWindow(self, windowMarkers, ids) : # creates a tuple of booleans correspondig to the detection of the window markers # top left corner, top right corner, bottom right corner, left right corner, moving part list = [] for element in windowMarkers : list.append(element in ids) return tuple(list) def __markersIn(self, windowMarkers, ids) : # creates a tuple of tuples for the different markers found in window list = [] for window in windowMarkers : list.append(self.__markersInWindow(window, ids)) return tuple(list) def start(self): # starts the detector, grab images and display markers found detectorBuffer = deque((), maxlen= WindowDetector.__BUFFER_LENGTH) detectorBuffer.append(WindowDetector.__NO_WINDOW_DETECTED) self.display.start() arucoDict = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_50) arucoParams = cv2.aruco.DetectorParameters_create() vs = VideoStream(src=0, framerate=WindowDetector.__FRAME_RATE).start() # loop over the frames from the video stream while True: # grab the frame from the threaded video stream and resize it frame = vs.read() frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=WindowDetector.__IMAGE_SIZE) # detect ArUco markers in the input frame (mcorners, ids, rejected) = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(frame, arucoDict, parameters=arucoParams) # verify *at least* one ArUco marker was detected if len(mcorners) > 0: flatid = ids.flatten(); if len(detectorBuffer) >= WindowDetector.__BUFFER_LENGTH: detectorBuffer.popleft() detectorBuffer.append( self.__markersIn(self.__WINDOW_MARKERS, flatid)) else: detectorBuffer.append(self.__NO_WINDOW_DETECTED) self.display.displayWindowCorners(self.__movingDetector(detectorBuffer)) def __enter__(self) : return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) : self.cleanUp() def cleanup() : GPIO.cleanup() cv2.destroyAllWindows() vs.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': try: windowDetector = WindowDetector() windowDetector.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('interrupted!') # do a bit of cleanup sys.exit()
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Window Opening Monitor with ArUco - Tracking window movements | Window Opening Monitor with ArUco - Final device |