micro:bit Summer Code Club Challenge - Winners Announced!
Back in Autumn 2018, the element14 community ran the Great micro:bit Education Giveaway - a program dedicated to helping educators around the world to introduce coding to the classroom using the micro:bit.
From code clubs in New Zealand to creative design projects in Romania and gaming workshops in the USA, our giveaway inspired successful applicants to pursue a wide range of exciting projects with their students.
With summer around the corner, we're excited to announce the next phase of our micro:bit education mission - the Summer Code Club Challenge!
In association with Kitronik, we're challenging our members to set up their own summer code clubs in their local communities. Whether you're a teacher, a parent or somebody with a passion for STEM, simply tell us about your summer code club plans and we'll supply successful applicants with the kits they'll need to run a full course of exciting and engaging projects for children and young adults.
How it works
If you think you've got what it takes to set up a summer code club in your local community, leave a comment underneath this blog post. Let us know where, when and how you plan to run your code club, how many students you anticipate attending and why you think you'd be a good candidate.
Applications close at 23.59 on Friday 7th June 2019, after which successful parties will receive a batch of micro:bit devices and Kitronik Inventor Kits, providing all the components you'll need to develop a full curriculum of simple experiments - including LEDs, jump wires, resistors and an easy-to-follow tutorial book. The number of devices and kits you will receive will be appropriate to the anticipated attendance of your code club. We will consider applications for clubs of all sizes. Established code clubs and first time instructors are all welcome to apply for this program.
Selected applicants will be required to publish a minimum of three blogs posts to the element14 community, documenting the progress of their code club and their project work. Please include images and video where appropriate, but be sure to obtain the express permission of parents of any minors who are filmed or photographed. See the terms and conditions attached at the bottom of this document.
The Summer Gaming Challenge
At the conclusion of your summer code club, we would like participants to work with their students to develop a simple interactive game using the micro:bit and the resources provided by the element14 community and Kitronik. Please publish details of this game as part of your blog posting. At the end of the summer, our panel of judges will select one gaming project for special recognition and a prize package of 10x Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Starter Kits, to help your students to take their coding to the next level.
Two additional projects will also be awarded a runners-up prize consisting of micro:bit project and development kits from Binary Bots, Kitronik and more.
Important Dates
Enrollment Begins | Monday 13th May 2019 |
Enrollment Ends | Friday 7th June 2019 |
Contestants Announced | Monday 10th June 2019 |
All Blogs Due | Monday 30th September 2019 |
Summer Gaming Challenge Winners Announced | Monday 9th September 2019 |
The Kit
Successful applicants will receive micro:bit club packs and Kitronik Inventor's Kits appropriate to the size of their code clubs.
micro:bit Club pack
Perfect for sharing the micro:bit with friends, the micro:bit club is a 10 pack containing all the pieces needed to enjoy micro:bit in STEM groups, coding clubs, school classes and more.
10x BBC micro:bits
10x USB cables
10x Battery holders
20x AA batteries
Kitronik Inventor's Kits
The Kitronik Inventor's Kit is the perfect way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the micro:bit. This affordable package includes a variety of experiments, designed to familiarise the user with the many features and functionality of the micro:bit itself. The kit contains all the items you'll need to complete ten simple experiments, plus an easy-to-follow tutorial book to guide the user through the programming process.
Projects include dimming an LED using a potentiometer, using a transistor to drive a motor, using analogue inputs with an LDR and much more. No previous experience is required to get started with the Kitronik Inventor's Kit, making it ideal for introducing new students to the fundamentals of programming and creating circuits. There's no soldering required - all you need is a micro:bit, a couple of screwdrivers and a micro USB cable to set up any of the featured experiments in a matter of minutes.
1 x Mounting Plate.
1 x Potentiometer & Finger Adjust Spindle.
2 x Plastic Spacer 10mm.
1 x Sticky Fixer for Battery Pack.
1 xSmall Prototype Breadboard.
1 xTerminal Connector.
4 xPush Switch.
1 xMotor.
1 xTransistor.
2 xRed 5mm LED.
2 xOrange 5mm LED.
2 xYellow 5mm LED.
2 xGreen 5mm LED.
1 xRGB 5mm LED.
1 xFan Blade.
5 x2.2KΩ Resistor.
5 x10KΩ Resistor.
5 x47Ω Resistor.
1 xEdge Connector Breakout Board for BBC micro:bit.
1 xMiniature LDR.
10 xMale to Male Jumper Wires.
10 xMale to Female Jumper Wires.
1 x470uF Electrolytic Capacitor.
1 xPiezo Element Buzzer.
4 xPan Head M3 Machine Screw.
Our goal for the micro:bit Summer Code Club challenge is to help teachers, parents and STEM ambassadors all over the world to promote coding and digital literacy in their local communities. Whether you're a code club veteran or an aspiring educator who just needs the resources to get your dream summer club off the ground, we'd love to help out - so apply today and start spreading the power of coding to the next generation!
micro:bit Resources
10 micro:bit Projects in 10 Days
An Introduction to Computer Science with BBC micro:bit: The Full Curriculum
BBC micro:bit Poster | Free Download for your Classroom
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