I have been feeling disconnected from the E14Community since the move to the new site. The majority of the feelings came from actually not being able to communicate after the move. I could receive but not transmit. Making or responding to posts wasn’t possible. Rather frustrating to read stuff and no be able to respond. After being shown a work around that enabled my transmit, the communication part has been solved.
The disconnect feeling remains because things have moved and I can't find what was once familiar to me. I will continue to struggle until I can reconnect with the sources of information I had on the old site. Here are some touch points I have been using to help recover from my disconnect.
In the past I ignored the the landing page and clicked on CONTENT All. From that site pulse point, I got a reasonable picture of changes in the environment. The CONTENT All doesn’t exist on the new site.
My lesson 101 to reconnect is to invest in the Landing page. I turn over the tabs of Recent Content section in the lower part of the Landing Page. The posts under these tabs are suppose to reflect some of the site content as it is updated. There are some issues with this being updated but tech support is aware and working on it. Since RoadTest are important to me, I also explore what is under the RoadTests button from the landing page.
My third location for content culling is the Member Area. From the landing page it is easy to navigate to the location.
I pursue the Recent Discussions section for details.
That is three touch points I am investing in to re-establish my connection. If you have discovered something on the new site that has helped reconnect, I encourage you to share. The faster we can discover what works, the faster our community returns.