Please make sure Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 are correct before moving on to Part 4 below.
Section 4: Set up communication between Azure Sphere IoT device and Azure IoT Central Application. This communication uses certificates that were stored on HSM.
4.1. In Azure Sphere Developer Console download certificate from your Azure Sphere Tenant:
azsphere tenant download-CA-certificate --output CAcertificate.cer
4.2. Upload certificate (Select All files (*) in upload window):
4.3. Generate new verification code and copy it:
4.4. In Azure Sphere Developer Console download certificate from your Azure Sphere Tenant, type the following:
azsphere tenant download-validation-certificate --output
ValidationCertification.cer --verificationcode <code>
replace <code> with code from the previous point.
4.5. Click Verify and When prompted, navigate to the validation certificate that you downloaded in the previous step and select it. When the verification process is complete, the Primary Certificate dialog box displays the Verified message. Click Close to dismiss the box.
Part 5 will finally let you run the ShockDetect application!!!