Please make sure Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 are correct before moving on to Part 5 below.
Section 5: Running the ShockDetect application!
5.1. Extract the attached zip file for this post to a directory of your choice. Make it a simple to type location, I recommend. Like C:\Shockdetect
5.2. In Azure Sphere Developer Console, navigate to that unzip location and run the ShowIoTCentralConfig.exe application that is located in Tools directory. You could also do this in Windows File Explorer.
Choose not to use the Work/School Account.
5.3. After receiving the information, type the following command:
azsphere tenant show-selected
5.4. Double click on AzureIoT.sln from ShockDetect\AzureIoT directory and double click on app_manifest.jsonfile, fill out:
5.5. You can just Run Project with the green arrow on your Device:
5.6. Just after calibrating device message to IoT Central Application is sent so, you can receive email and notice it on Azure IoT Central Application:
5.7. Working without shake – nothing is sent to Azure IoT Central Application:
5.8. After you shake device you see something like this:
And you should receive email and see results in IoT Central Application:
5.9. You can stop the application:
There you go... you just ran your first Azure IoT project!
It was a lot of setup for some good payoff.
Now you can take advantage of all the Azure Sphere's on-board features and modules, develop around them...
Like the "Sensing the World Challenge," you could use my project as a base or follow the setup the Azure Sphere Kit - connecting it to the contest server.
I should have started there, tbh...