I've created a schematic design for a digital circuit with an isolated RS422 section. I'm using an isolating power supply for the transceivers and bringing the data lines onto the main board using an optoisolator. From that point, the rest of the board has common power and grounds. I'm using polygons with different names for GND on each section.
I'm running into 2 distinct problems.
1) I need to keep the isolated VCC and GND nets separated on the schematic. I'm having some sucess with this as I am using different net names (i.e. GND and -VOUT)
2) Power and Supply pins are more challenging. Some IC's have VCC, others VDD. The isolated section I've given the net name of +VOUT. All are at +5v.
When I run ERC, I get warnings of interconnected nets. I believe I'm using Power and Supply pins incorrectly. Simple case - how do I properly connect +5v to VCC and to VDD on the same net?
Slight mess! Yes, VDD has no net as it will generate more errors if I connect it to +5v.
I appreciate your time and suggestions!
Warm regards.