This project demonstrates how to implement a PID based DC motor controller using Raspberry Pi. DC motor controller program is developed using Python. It consists of a GUI, RPM measuring, error detector, PID controller functions, and PWM generation function. The PID based closed-loop DC motor control system is one that determines a difference in the required speed and actual motor speed and creates a correction control signal to remove the error. To learn more about PID controller and DC Motor, go through PID based DC motor controller using Raspberry Pi and Motor Control 1 articles.
Required hardware:
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Display:
- Farnell code: 2473872
- Newark code: 49Y1712
RPM sensors:
Slotted sensor:
- Farnell code: 1386613
- Newark code: 21M5159
PNP type proximity sensor: PR12-4DP
- Farnell code: 1736862
- Newark code: 10R6734
- RPi.GPIO.22 is configured to get the feedback signal from the RPM sensor (voltage should less than 3.3V).
- RPi.GPIO.23 is configured as an output. It provides PWM pulses for DC motor driver.
- Connect the Raspberry Pi display and Input-Output pins.
- Connect the Power adapter and power up the raspberry pi
- Downloaded and install the GUIZERO library.
- Download and run the DC motor controller code
- GUI will open
- If you are not connected feedback sensor to RPI, you can’t be able to set the PID gain values while running.
- Adjust the required RPM using the sliders, now click the Start button.
- Increase the P gain value.
- The motor speed gradually increases, it will take some time to reach set RPM.
- Increase the I-gain and D-gain values and see the system performance.
- The speed of response depends on the PID gain values.
- Load the motor using mechanical loading arrangement, and observe the set-RPM and run-RPM values, note load values to calculate the speed-torque characteristics of the motor.
- Change the inputs (RPM and PID gain values) and observe the response of the motor.
- After completion of your work press Stop button and close the project.
DC motor controller code:
""" PID based DC motor controller thisproject is designed to control the DC motor at a constant speed Connect one PPR(Pulse Per Rotation sensor to RPi.GPIO 22 GPIO.23 providees PWM pulses to drive DC motor (DC motor drive between motor and RPi) """ import threading import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time from guizero import App, Box, Text, TextBox, PushButton, Slider """ Input Output configaration """ GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.OUT) # PWM pulse for MOSFET/IGBT GPIO.output(23, 0) """ Global variabels """ Set_RPM =500 # SET RPM value feedback=0.0 previous_time =0.0 previous_error=0.0 Integral=0.0 D_cycal=10 Kp=0 # Proportional controller Gain (0 to 100) Ki=0 # Integral controller Gain (0 to 100) Kd=0 # Derivative controller Gain (0 to 100) RunRPM=0 Loop_value=0 a=0 avr=0 i=0 GatePulse = GPIO.PWM(23, 100) """ PID control function """ def PID_function(): global previous_time global previous_error global Integral global D_cycal global Kp global Ki global Kd error = int(Set_RPM) -feedback # Differnce between expected RPM and run RPM if (previous_time== 0): previous_time =time.time() current_time = time.time() delta_time = current_time - previous_time delta_error = error - previous_error Pout = (Kp/10 * error) Integral += (error * delta_time) if Integral>10: Integral=10 if Integral<-10: Integral=-10 Iout=((Ki/10) * Integral) Derivative = (delta_error/delta_time) #de/dt previous_time = current_time previous_error = error Dout=((Kd/1000 )* Derivative) output = Pout + Iout + Dout # PID controller output if ((output>D_cycal)&(D_cycal<90)): D_cycal+=1 if ((output<D_cycal)&(D_cycal>10)): D_cycal-=1 return () """ RPM calculation function """ def RPM_function(): global feedback tc=time.time() while (GPIO.input(22)==False): v=0 ts=time.time() time_count=ts-tc if (time_count>7): print("Feedback failed, Please make proper feedback connection") feedback=0 return () while (GPIO.input(22)==True): i=0 ts=time.time() time_count=ts-tc if (time_count>7): print("Feedback failed, Please make proper feedback connection") feedback=0 return () v = time.time() # Stores the first pulse time while (GPIO.input(22)==False): s=0 while (GPIO.input(22)==True): h=0 h=time.time() # Stores the next pulse time w=(60/(h-v)) # MOTOR speed in RPM feedback = w return () def main_function(): global D_cycal if Loop_value==1: t1 = threading.Thread(target=RPM_function) t1.start() t1.join() t2 = threading.Thread(target=PID_function) t2.start() t2.join() GatePulse.ChangeDutyCycle(D_cycal) else: GatePulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) print("Welcome To The Element14 Community!") """ GUI Functions """ app = App(title="Welcome To The Element14 Community", height=700, width=500) def change_Kp_value(slider_value): global Kp Proportional.value = slider_value Kp=int(slider_value) def change_Ki_value(slider_value): global Ki Intregral.value = slider_value Ki= int(slider_value) def change_Kd_value(slider_value): global Kd Deravative.value = slider_value Kd=int(slider_value) def change_SetRPM_value(slider_value): global Set_RPM SetRPM.value = slider_value Set_RPM=int(slider_value) def update_rpm(): global avr global i global a global feedback if(Loop_value==1): if i<6: a+=feedback i+=1 else: Run_RPM.value = int(a/6) a=0 i=0 else: Run_RPM.value = 0 def start_funcdtion(): global Loop_value print("MOTOR controller is ON ") GatePulse.start(25) Loop_value=1 Startbutton.toggle() Startbutton.toggle() Startbutton.repeat(1, main_function) def Stop_function(): global Loop_value Loop_value=0 Startbutton.cancel(main_function) Run_RPM.value=00 D_cycal=0 Stopbutton.toggle() Stopbutton.toggle() GatePulse.ChangeDutyCycle(0) print("Motor controller is Off") def close_window(): Stop_function() app.hide() message = Text(app, text="PID based DC motor controller", color="saddle brown", size= 20) Startbutton = PushButton(app, command = start_funcdtion, text="Start") Startbutton.text_color="dark green" Startbutton.text_size=15 Spase = Text(app, text= " ") SetRPM = Text(app, text= "Set_RPM") SetRPM.text_color="blue" SetRPM = Text(app, text= Set_RPM) text_value = Slider(app, command=change_SetRPM_value, start=500, end=2000) Spase = Text(app, text= " ") Proportional = Text(app, text= "Kp") Proportional.text_color="DarkOliveGreen4" Proportional = Text(app, text= Kp) text_value = Slider(app, command=change_Kp_value, start=0, end=100) pase = Text(app, text= " ") Intregral = Text(app, text= "Ki") Intregral.text_color="DarkOliveGreen4" Intregral = Text(app, text= Ki) text_value = Slider(app, command=change_Ki_value, start=0, end=100) pase = Text(app, text= " ") Deravative = Text(app, text= "Kd") Deravative.text_color="DarkOliveGreen4" Deravative = Text(app, text= Kd) text_value = Slider(app, command=change_Kd_value, start=0, end=100) pase = Text(app, text= " ") Run_RPM = Text(app, text= "RunRPM") Run_RPM.text_color="tomato" Run_RPM = Text(app, text= RunRPM) Run_RPM.repeat(1, update_rpm) pase = Text(app, text= " ") Stopbutton = PushButton(app, command = Stop_function, text="Stop") Stopbutton.text_color="red" Stopbutton.text_size=15 pase = Text(app, text= " ") close_button = PushButton(app, text="Close Project", command=close_window) #close_button.text_coller="yellow" close_button.text_size=20 app.display()
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