I hosted a webinar today on the PiFace and Gertboard. I thought it might be helpful if I shared the resources I used to create the demostrations:
- Univ. of Man. CS dept download page: http://pi.cs.man.ac.uk/download/
- contains PiFace SD card images
- Raspberry Pi Education Manual PDF
- http://pi.cs.man.ac.uk/download/Raspberry_Pi_Education_Manual.pdf
- detailed instructions for learning Scratch
- element14 PiFace Getting Started Guide PDF:
- GitHub repo for PiFace
- Google Docs: PiFace Documentation
- Adafruit Stacking Header
- could replace the Pi GPIO header in the PiFace (if you desolder it)
- would allow ribbon cable (for Pi Cobbler) to be connected to PiFace
- Newark: http://www.newark.com/adafruit-industries/1112/stacking-header-raspberry-pi/dp/53W5726
- Farnell: http://uk.farnell.com/adafruit-industries/1112/stacking-header-raspberry-pi/dp/2296136?dimVals=110525254
- Scratch project for PiFace demo
- Main Page:
- User Manual:
- http://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-51727/l/assembled-gertboard-user-manual-with-schematics
- Demo - Motor Controller: page 27
- Demo - Analog to Digital Converter: 33
- Demo - Analog input & Motor control: page 38
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