I've been speaking with a supplier who would like element14 to roadtest a MCU board. I'd like to gauge your interest. Here's some information about it and some documentation links:
Solution Starter Kit for RX23E-A MCU
Using the evaluation board (RSSK RX23E-A) equipped with RX23E-A and peripheral circuits for sensor measurement, and software that can be downloaded from the web, you can start analog characteristic evaluation immediately after purchasing the kit. By using this kit, it is possible to shorten the development period and bring it to market quickly.
About RX23E-A MCU
RX23E-A is a group from the RX MCU family with integrated high-precision analog front-end. Thanks to low noise and low drift of analog front-end features, the high-precision sensor measurement can be achieved with computation performance, system control, and communication in one chip. Refer to the RX23E-A product page for more detail.
RSSK Configuration and Evaluation Circuit
The kit consists of an evaluation board with the RX23E-A and peripheral circuits for sensor measurement, a K-type thermocouple, and is provided with the GUI and sample programs. These ready-to-use tools enable users to start evaluation of the A/D converter without hardware modification or software development.
The kit can be utilized to evaluate the measurements of thermocouples, RTD, and strain gauges, which are typical sensors in industrial equipment. Our evaluation of K-type thermocouples using the RSSK shows that the measured temperature error is within ±0.6°C under environments between -40°C and 85°C and the effective resolution is 19.4 bit, which means temperature deviation is equivalent to 0.0015°C at rms value. The measured temperature error, which is within the sensor error, validates the evaluation board as a reference design.
RX23e-a datasheet
Analog Front-End Mounted 32-bit Microcontroller Ideal for High Precision Sensing, Test and Measurement Equipment