In this post: what happens if you remove the debugger. Will everything still work? What's the difference? |
TL;DR: you can still use all functionality.
Difference when debugger is broken off
When you break the debugger off the main PCB, you break all PCB traces.
Only the specific "for-debug" signal traces are available on the debugger's J4 header.
So when you plug your debugger on the main board via J4, you will be able to:
- program the device
- step through the code via the debugger
What changes?
- the main board is no longer powered from the debugger
- the serial comms over the debug port (UART) signals are no longer routed to the PSoC 6.
This is all OK. By breaking off these signals, they become available for your own designs. And the board, in a real project, should not need a debugger once it's programmed.
Re-enable power from debugger
If you want to keep on powering the board from the debugger, you connect 3 signals.
It's best to run the V_TARG line too: for correct signal level translation, you should connect debugger V_TARG (J7.3) with board V_TARG (J1.2) when using the debugger's UART or I2C bridge functionality.
It prevents calamities when using 1.8 V designs.
Re-enable UART over debug USB (USB-UART bridge)
If you want to keep logging over the debug USB, then you have to connect the 4 UART lines to the main board.
This is a full UART implementation with hw control signals, so just linking RX and TX is not enough.
As indicated in the Power section, when using UART or I2C between debugger and main board, you should connect debug J7.3 to main board J1.2.
To enable the i2c between debugger and PSOC6, connect debug J7.4 and J7.5 to PSoC6 board J2.29 and J2.28.