Design the Project with ARM-M3 Core
1. The best part of Digilent Arty S7 can be prototype platform for Cortex DesignStart Project. That is to customized one ARM-core MCU with Xilinx FPGA as simulation Platform. Here is the development flow.
2 Download the AT426-BU-98000-r0p1-00rel0.tgz from ARM website and decompress the archive.
3 Start Vivado and open tcl console
run "exec subst V: ." to set virtual disk V: for installation directory, then add the ARM_IP in settings
open the hardware project
ignore the warning message concerning test-bench for simulation.
{gallery}My Gallery Title |
IMAGE TITLE: Warning Message |
IMAGE TITLE: Projects opened |
Here is the block design for ARM-M3 core
All the ARM_IP under the directory is imported through IP-integer , then synthesis and implement the project after execute "source make_mmi_files.tcl"
export the hardware file in .xsa
4 The arm-m3 hardware is ready to be coded with Keil MDK.
1. Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M3-Based Robot - Digilent Projects (
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