I’m using a Zedboard and when I run a program in Vitis, weirdly it doesnt work everytime. Inded, for the same program, sometime everything works as expected (uart print are succesfull, gpio: sw and led too) but sometime it doesn’t work.
It’s occurs often when I already did a run and I try to do a second one, but sometimes afer using the board for long it occurs just after power up the board.
I try to always build my project before and let the card cool down but sometimes it doesn’t help.
When it doesn’t work, many possibilities :
- The application does absolutly nothing
- The uart stop in the middle of a printf
- an error appears like :
« Error while launcing program : reset APU.APB AP transaction error, DAP status 0xF0000021 »
« Error while lauching program : no taargets found with « name=~"APU*" ,avalailable targets :
- 1 DAP (APB AP transaction error, DAP status 0x30000021)
- 2 xc7z020 »
It's the case for all project I have created ...
This behavior is very handicapping for my work. If you are any idea please share it !