Is there any guide or example to use the CANopen interface with zcu102 board. I just want to make the connection and send some data for testing.
Thank you
Is there any guide or example to use the CANopen interface with zcu102 board. I just want to make the connection and send some data for testing.
Thank you
I'm not sure that you really mean CANopen - as far as I can tell Waveshare make CAN to PC adapters.
CANopen is a high level CAN protocol.
Could you explain what it is you want your system to achieve with CAN.
Hi michaelkellett , you are right. I meant CAN to PC adapter. Actually i want to perform a test between the ZCU102 ultrascale+ and a linux system using waveshare USB CAN-A adapter. Just need a configuration by which i can send data from board to PC.
I think your best bet here is contact AMD/Xilinx directly via their support forum.
You would expect that they must have some test code for CAN interface.
The problem with these boards is, in common with FPGAs in general, - they can do almost anything but as delivered do very little at all - the gap in between is bridged by a great deal of coding effort.
When you buy a $2 micro with a CAN interface it's not very flexible but it just works - and you will find code examples easily if you pick a popular part.
Your FPGA on the zcu102 can potentially do far more - but you may not live long enough to reach its limits !
I think your best bet here is contact AMD/Xilinx directly via their support forum.
You would expect that they must have some test code for CAN interface.
The problem with these boards is, in common with FPGAs in general, - they can do almost anything but as delivered do very little at all - the gap in between is bridged by a great deal of coding effort.
When you buy a $2 micro with a CAN interface it's not very flexible but it just works - and you will find code examples easily if you pick a popular part.
Your FPGA on the zcu102 can potentially do far more - but you may not live long enough to reach its limits !
Their community support forum is worst forum ever to get any help. Maybe i am not referring the question properly. That's why i posted here. At the moment only thing i wanted to do is to check that if it is possible for me to make a connection and communicate with the board using the can to pc adapter.
Reason to select this board was another project. And that i achieved already. Now this CAN interface is actually tough for me.
What do you have running on the board already. Do the Vivado (or whatever A/X call it today) tools allow you to select what peripherals are accessible to the processor ?
There is talk on the web of Linux drivers for the A/X CAN peripheral IP (which is a paid for IP I think).
I think if you really need to make this work you will need to slog away at it, searching any relevant terms you can think of. If you can provide a much fuller context for how you want this to work I (or someone else) might be able to help you more.
Have you any experience of using CAN peripherals on microprocessors ?
Thank you for sharing that link.
I think i found some of my answers there.