FlaviaLB56-00p.zip contains data files for the FlaviaLB56 implementation of the Free Logic Array, described in Flavia: the Free Logic Array and Chapter 12 of The XXICC Anthology rev 0.0n. FlaviaLB56 is for the ValentF(x) LOGI-Bone FPGA board, rev R1.0. To reduce chances of confusion, I recommend that you only install this file if you want to synthesize Flavia logic for the LOGI-Bone.
FlaviaLB56 rev 0.0p adds pinout tables to map top-level ports and signal names to FPGA pins. You can also specify pull-up, pull-down, and keeper circuits for FPGA I/Os. These are described in my element14 'blog Raspberry Pi 2 meets Papilio DUO. I'll be incorporating these changes in the next version of The XXICC Anthology.
I've only tested FlaviaLB56 rev 0.0p using an Adafruit FT232H Breakout Board as a JTAG controller and the "use JTAG" option. I haven't tried programming 0.0p directly from a BeagleBone. I didn't touch any of that code, so it should work.
Unless you're using JTAG, Flavia rev 0.0p probably won't work "out of the box" with the new LOGI-Bone-2, marked R1.5.1 on the PC board. LOGI-Bone-2 has a different I2C GPIO expander and changes its pin assignment, so programming LOGI-Bone-2 directly from BBone is slightly different. Flavia 0.0p programs LOGI-Bone by writing a bitstream to "/dev/logibone". This is equivalent to "dd" from the command line. From looking at the documentation at ValentF(x) http://valentfx.com/wiki/index.php?title=Logi-Bone_User_Guide#Programming_the_FPGA_from_the_BeagleBone, it looks like you now need to write the bitstream to /dev/LOGIbone. Since GNU/Linux is case-sensitive, this means Flavia probably won't work unless you go into Xbitscan.gal and change "/dev/logibone" to "/dev/LOGIbone". However, first try downloading a test image using "dd".
If you've been able to get Flavia running on LOGI-Bone-2, please add comments below telling us what worked. If you're having trouble getting LOGI-Bone-2 to work, add comments and/or e-mail me and we'll figure it out.
Note: LOGI-Bone-2 changed the default FPGA configuration mode from Slave Serial to Master Serial/SPI, i.e., self-config. So when you power it on, LOGI-Bone-2 tries to read a valid bitstream from on-board serial Flash. Flavia can override it, but if there's a valid bitstream it will affect whatever you have hooked up to LOGI-Bone-2 bins.
There may be other LOGI-Bone-2 changes that affect Flavia. I don't have the new board to test things at this time.
Flavia is part of XXICC. For more information on XXICC, see the 'blog post XXICC (21st Century Co-design) release 0.0p and XXICC's home page: xxicc.org.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. No warranty is expressed or implied.