Projects are one of the most popular ways that element14 members contribute to the community. Projects are a good way to test your ideas, build something new, get some feedback, and have some fun. In other words, projects get you involved in our community. Since the design of embedded devices that collect, aggregate, and push data to the cloud is a core competency of an IoT engineer, I went back and reviewed the best device-to-cloud projects on the element14 community and published them below. These projects are a great way to pick up some new skills or hone the ones you already have. They are projects you should know. So, read on, get inspired, and start building!
A Carbon Footprint Monitoring System
This project details the design and construction of a real-time carbon footprint monitoring system. Over 22 blogs and 3 videos, the designer describes a sensor-to-hub-to-cloud-to-smartphone solution that reports on the daily carbon footprint. Designer: Christever del Rosario's Blog
Accelerometer Readings over WiFi with the STM32F4 Discovery Board
Accelerometers are used in many types of IoT systems that require tilt/motion sensor data for motion or gesture-based applications, to name a few. This project shows you how to use an accelerometer to detect a specific movement and then transmit the data over WiFi to indicate that the movement occurred. Designer: Oneleggedredcow's Blog
A Wearable Sudden Impact and Health Monitor
This project is the build of a sudden impact and wearable health monitor for athletes. It is housed in a bicycle helmet and has an associated wearable module. It transmits health data, sending alerts via a cellular network, and then visualizes the measured information on an open source Android app running on one or more smart phones or tablets. The designer says the goal of the project was to detect an athlete’s health conditions that require medical attention even when immediate symptoms may not suggest a serious problem. Designer: Cosmin Iorga's Blog
A 3-Sensor Sub-GHz RF Node to WiFi Gateway to Cloud via MQTT
This is Texas Instruments webinar that is so good I had to include it in this list of device-to-cloud IoT projects. It consists of a 3-sensor node (i.e., moisture, ambient light and angular rotation) that sends sensor data via Sub-GHz RF to a Wifi Gateway which aggregates the data and publishes it to the cloud via MQTT. Designer: Adrian Fernandez of TI
Connecting a Silent Laser Tripwire Doorbell to the Cloud for Notifications to a Smart Phone
This project notifies you when a laser sensor positioned at the entrance of your home is tripped. The data is then pushed to the cloud so you can read the time-stamped event on your smart phone. This device would be ideal for alerting you when a UPS delivery person arrived at your front door when you weren't at home. The project is built in two parts. The first part shows you how to build the laser connected doorbell with Arduino. The second part shows you how to connect it to the cloud with a Raspberry Pi utilizing the Xively cloud data management service. Designer: DaveYoung
An Air Quality System with the Beaglebone Black and OPENHAB
This project senses indoor/outdoor air & water quality in order to control air conditioners, exhaust fans and/or ventilators. It is a great learning project for anyone interested in designing intelligent building management systems. It is based on the BeagleBone Black and the Texas Instruments CC3200 Launchpad, which are connected to a WLAN router that interfaces with the Sierra Wireless AirVantage M2M Cloud. Designer: ravi_butaniravi_butani
Connecting the TI CC3200 Launchpad to the Cloud using MQTT and the Paho Embedded C Client
In this 2-part project, you will learn how to push temperature data from the TI CC3200 Launchpad to the cloud as well as how to send commands from the cloud to the CC3200 to actuate an output device. This project will give you a good foundation in MQTT and the Paho embedded C client. Designer: Benjamin Cabé's Blogkartben
Temperature Logging with the RIoTboard Webserver and Xtrinsic Sensor Board
IoT systems typically collect data from external sensors, push the collected data to a database, and display the data on a cloud-based dashboard or a web page as a means of monitoring a system’s performance. This demo simulates and teaches you how to set up the hardware and software such an IoT system. This demo's hardware consists of the Embest RiotBoard, set up as a Web Server, and the NXP Xtrinsic Sensor Board as the system’s external temperature sensor. Temperature data will be collected from the temperature sensor and pushed to an SQL database for display on a Web page. Designers: tushar panda's Blog
A Lawn Grass Growth Monitoring System
This project is the design of a lawn grass growth monitoring system. The TI CC3200 Launchpad parses the data received from the grass nodes and streams this data to for charting purposes. It also monitors how frequently each node sends data. If no data has been received from a node for sometime a timeout event is triggered which causes an email notification message to be sent informing you that communication has been lost between CC3200 and the node. Designer:BigG
This is project builds a typical Industrial IoT system used for asset monitoring with the Beaglebone Black and the Sierra Wireless M2M Cloud. While it's based on a webinar, the information covered is a quick course in IoT design and pulls together the elements of IoT control and reporting systems. Designer: Crystal Lam of Sierra Wireless