I road tested the Keithley Bench Digital Multimeter DMM6500. I recently purchased a 2000-SCAN 10 channel scanner card. This 4th post shows a continuously running script that logs temperature and 4-wire resistance with the scanner card.
Test Setup
I'm trying to measure the shortcut-resistance of a connector on a PCB, related to the temperature of the PCB. The board is heated from room temperature to 65°C. A thermocouple is connected to channel 2 of the switch card. The 4-wire to channel 5 and 10.
The scan config:
- chan 2: Temp, thermocouple, K, simulated cold junction temp 21°C, label temp
- chan 5: 4 Wire Res, 1 Ohm, label res
- scan: infinite, interval 5 s
I start the scan, and llet the temperature ramp up to 65°, then ramp down again
I stored the data on a memory stick and used a spreadsheet to draw a graph:
I also used the DMM6500 graph options to show individual channels, and both together in various setups.
All graphs, from spreadsheet and DMM6500, are based on the same data.