This week I've been trying to sort out using PIR's and LDR's with the EnOcen sensors.
Here in NZ if you mention Lux, there will be someone asking what soap has to do with the electronics.
However in this case its a measurement of the amount of light.
I wanted to have some measure to ensure that curtains and available light was being used.
As I've discovered with the Temperature Graphs, its also a good idea to work out what time they have been getting up ...especially since I'm going to work and they are on School Holidays.
Obviously if 'granny' is not opening the curtains for a day or so, and we know the outside light levels are high, then there is something worth checking.
When you combine this with the pantry door not opening around the usual time, its probably time to make that phone call, or surprise visit.
I was hoping to have graphed some figures for the illumination but as luck would have it, the header sockets I ordered last week, were non stock, and arrived yesterday.
I'm hoping to sort out some sensors tomorrow, and they can record while I'm away over the weekend.
There is a very good Application Note for a Wall or Ceiling mounted sensors for room occupancy.
The advantage of these is that they are un-powered like the other sensors.
While they are used predominately to keep a light going and this is perfect for the intended purpose, this is not exactly what I wanted.
Looking at the code it appears they control a different pin to power the sensor, which then triggers the transmitter into sending a telegram.
If I've read it right the input is ignored for 5 secs after the WAKE0 is driven LOW, which sends the telegram.
So in theory I could power the PIR and use the sensor.
I have reprogrammed a STM310 with the code, and I immediately struck an issue with the wrong radio-conformity.
I was unable to find the revised XML file the error note referred to, so I edited the configuration to use the correct file.
It seems that changing the last digit to 2F set the radio to ver 1.47 and all was happy.
ravi butani has done a very good job of describing how to use the EOP350 programmer, so I'm not going to repeat it here.
Fireman Minion: STM330 Temp-Sensor with custom Analog and Digital Input (Part1)
The Application Note included a zip file for reprogramming the sensor and was targeted at a STM300, but seems to work on a STM310.
You cannot change any parameters or settings, so don't bother trying.
I used Dolphin View and the Programmer with the TCM320 to view the results.
It shows a value of 255 when its triggered but stays quiet when not triggered ... so I might need timer in my rule.
One thing I cannot find easily is the settings for each of these sensors in OpenHAB.
I downloaded a viewer to see the internals of the .jar file based on comments made here windows - How can I open Java .class files in a human-readable way? - Stack Overflow
I have to say it is very good and fast.
I wanted to see the association with
{ enocean="{id=01:81:8A:B3, eep=A5:04:01, parameter=TEMPERATURE}" }
{ enocean="{id=01:81:8A:B3, eep=A5:04:01, parameter=HUMIDITY}" }
Just how does openHAB know which piece is the data is Temperature and which is the Humidity.
How does it know what to do with it, because while I found the one for 'illumination'
{ enocean="{id=00:83:2C:D6, eep=A5:06:03, parameter=ILLUMINANCE}" }
I cannot find anything for the occupancy or PIR sensor.
So my quest is continuing.
See Part 2 here |
eLDERmon EnOcean Sensors Part 2 |
I've run out of time before going away, and managed to upset two other sensors.
I think I changed their profile remotely using Dolphin View....
So I've shut it down and will resume on Sunday night when I return.