Table of Contents
Project Introduction
- Controlling a Servo
- Controlling a Robot Arm
- Sorting Objects with the 3D Magnetic Sensor 2Go TLE493D
Project Introduction
In small and medium industries it´s important to classify and count the units produced, this in order to have a better control of production in a company. Automated systems have made these tasks easier, however now it´s necessary to take these records to the cloud on an IoT server for better management. Example: How many blue, green, and red objects have been produced? How many large, and small objects have been produced? Is it possible to stop the objects production remotely during an earthquake or fire?
- This project will classify big and small objects and making use of the PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit using Infineon’s compute, connectivity, and sensing technology, as well as infrared diodes and phototransistors. In the classification stage I will use a robot arm.
- The object counter will perform the counting of red, green and blue objects and show the quantities of each of them on the serial port screen. Also, we will place a RGB LED to indicate that there is an object in front of the color sensor. This system will monitoring the quantities of boxes by using internet cloud tools on a IoT server.
- Finally, if we have enough time we we´ll also activate a button to stop production remotely by means of an application developed in the IoT server.
- PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit
- 3D Magnetic Sensor 2Go TLE493D
- Robot Arm
- Servos
- Relay 5V
- Color sensor
- ULN2803A
- ModusToolbox and/or Mbed OS
- IoT Servers: UBIDOTS, ThingSpeak, other
Now, I download and install the software ModusToolbox 2.3 in its version for Windows.