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There's still time to submit your Animatronics project!
- Build projects that combine animation and electronics to create mechanized puppets. They can be pre-programmed or remotely controlled, using servos, controllers, linkages, and more!
Submit your project from now until anytime on December 16th to have your project featured here!
You will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:
- Follow the Steps - Did they provide the steps it took to complete the project (text, video, or images) and/or schematics.
- Submit Video Proof - Did they post a video proof of their project?
- Stick to the Theme - How well did the project stick to the theme of the competition?
- Demonstrate Originality - Did they come up with a clever name for their project? Or did they introduce something new or that is not commercially available?
The Projects:
Hey Moogle - an animatronic moose assistant by easyejl :
Hey Moogle - an animatronic moose assistant | |
Peter the Pumpkin - pt4 (ready to Share the Scare) by 14rhb:
Peter the Pumpkin | |
Animatronic Fun: Snippets by 14rhb:
Animatronic Fun: Snippets | |
Xut: the Animatronic Penguin by fmilburn
Xut: the Animatronic Penguin | |
Animatronic TikiBot by robogary:
Animatronic TikiBot | |
Creepy Clown's Best Friend Skelly by rsc
Creepy Clown's Best Friend | |
Scary Door by fyaocn :
Scary Door | |
Gremlin in a Gas Mask by robogary :
Gremlin in a Gas Mask | |
Lego Darth Vader reviews your code by Fred27:
Lego Darth Vader reviews your code | |
The specified item was not found. by samyakjain:
3D Printed Hand with Capacitive Touch | |