Hello Group,
I have a few questions on how to use an existing Sensor that I have
My questions are:
How to Connect the Sensor to the MT3620?
When Connected, how to access the pins through my program.of the ADC on the MT3620, specifically (CLK, D out, D in, CS/SHDN) ?
I would enjoy getting collaboration support from the group, I am a developer that has a limited knowledge about electronics and MCU's in general.
Here is some more background on what I am trying to do, but I'm stuck on getting the sensor hooked up to the Kit
I am trying to connect a Heart Rate Sensor that I have from another project to my Avnet MT3620.
This project is working great for me on a Raspberry PI . Here is the link to the project from the vendor of the Heart Pulse sensor.
I would hope that I can use this project as an example to connect the sensor directly to the MT3620 and port the code to the Sphere SDK.
This project uses the Raspberry PI and circuit on a breadboard. The code is written In C.
The circuit contains an ADC chip that takes a signal from the heart Sensor into an analog input pin on the ADC
Document link: Sphere ADC Document
Message was edited by: Stephen Kruglewicz