PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Review

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RoadTest: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT)

Author: mahmood.hassan

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Development Boards & Tools

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: For starters - -> SoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W) $30.00 Otherwise its one of a kind development kits with capabilities of USB C power management and easily custom programmable debugger MCU.

What were the biggest problems encountered?: One you can't find all the required info easily. You really have to read a lot of documents, ask cypress community or customer support to obtain the required info (i.e: LCD datasheet). There are some Kitprog3 firmware issues, Irreplaceable outdated psoc6 MCU firmware (This can be a biggest issue) and fortunately I was lucky enough that mine worked with Modus Toolbox otherwise You need to return and get a new one if your PSoC 6 MCU has outdated firmware.

Detailed Review:

First of all thanks to Element 14 community for arranging this road test and also thanks to Cypress Semiconductors for providing the Hardware. image



    PSoC or programmable SoCs family from Cypress Semiconductor, feature a micro-controller core, hardwired blocks and programmable logic, and configurable analog peripherals, enabled using switch capacitor technology as well as op amps, comparators, ADCs and DACs, and digital filter blocks. The kit used in this road test is based on latest PSoC6 MCU from PSoC6 family of Cypress lowest power MCUs which are specifically designed for secure for wearable and IOT application. Cypress PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) is the first kit that enables development of PSoC 6 MCU + WiFi applications. It offers compatibility with Arduino™ shields. The Kit consists of two main parts;

i)    The PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer board features aPSoC  6  MCU,  a  512-Mb  NOR  flash,  an  onboard  programmer/debugger (KitProg2 upgrade-able to KitProg3),  a  2.4-GHzWLAN and Bluetooth functionality module (CYW4343W), a USB Type-C power delivery system (EZ-PD™ CCG3), a five-segment CapSense slider, two CapSense buttons, one CapSense proximity sensing header, an RGB LED, two user LEDs, USB host and device features, and one push button.The board supports operating voltages from 1.8 V to 3.3 V for the PSoC 6 MCU.

ii)    The CY8CKIT-028-TFT Display Shield that contains a2.4-inch  TFT  display,  a  motion  sensor,  ambient  light  sensor,  a 32-bit  audio  codec,  and  a  PDM microphone.


Kit Contents

The CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT package has the following contents, as shown in figure 1.

  • PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Board
  • CY8CKIT-028-TFT Display Shield
  • USB Type-A to Type-C cable
  • Four jumper wires (4 inches each)
  • Two proximity sensor wires (5 inches each)
  • Quick Start Guide



Figure 1: Kit Contents


To develop a PSoC 6 MCU + WiFi application, WICED™ Studio 6.1 or later must be used. WICED Studio is Cypress' integrated development environment (IDE) for developing WiFi applications. If you are not adding WiFi to your design then you can develop and debug PSoC 6 MCU project using PSoC Creator™ or Modus Tool Box. Choosing the right IDE for certain application development will also be discuss later in this road test.


Unboxing and First Impression

The Cypress PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) is placed on a nicely finished non-conductive foam to avoid shocks, inside a rigid and high quality flip top cardboard box with magnetic catch for secure packaging. The build quality of package is simply amazing and high end. As device is ESD sensitive, it is highly recommended to take proper ESD precautions to avoid any permanent damaged to the device or any other malfunction (figure 2). General Safety instruction can be found on Page 5 of


Figure 2: ESD Sensitive Device Warning (page 5, PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit Guide, Doc. # 002-22677 Rev. *D)


The board quality of both pioneer board and TFT shield is similar to other manufacturer (i.e: ST, Microchip, Arduino etc). The unpopulated battery (Product LinkProduct Link), USB type C power delivery (Product LinkProduct Link) and GPIO headers (any single or two row 0.1" header) required are standard easily available connectors. The quick start guide contain all the information required to run out of the box demo program without installing any software or programming. It also provide the name along with function of every key components of the pioneer board and contains the pin out diagram of it. It can also be downloaded from HERE. The TFT Display shield can also be used with any other micro-controller. Big long rubber pads are very useful to place it on a table or smooth surface firmly. Below are the unboxing images of this kit.


{gallery} PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Main box top view


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Main box bottom view


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - ESD Sensitive Device Warning


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Inside View


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Main box content


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Pioneer board Top View


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - Pioneer Board bottom view


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - TFT Shield Top View


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - TFT Shield Bottom View


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - unboxing - quick start guide


Key Features

Here is the list of few key features of this evaluation kit.


Figure 3:PSoC62 among other PSoC6 series MCU

CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Board

  • Dual Core PSoC 6 MCU (CY8C6247BZI-D54)
    • Programmable  embedded  system-on-chip
    • A 150-MHz  Arm®Cortex®-M4  as  the  primary  application  processor
    • A 100-MHz  CM0+  for  low-poweroperations
    • 1 MB Flash and 288 KB SRAM
    • CapSense® touch-sensing
    • Programmable analog and digital peripherals
  • Expansion headers compatibility
    • Arduino Uno 3.3-V shields
    • Digilent® Pmod™ modules
  • Murarta LBEE5KL Type 1DX ultra-small 2.4-GHz WLAN and Bluetooth combo module
  • 512-Mbit external quad-SPI NOR flash
  • KitProg2 (upgradeable to KP v3)
    • onboard programmer/debugger
    • USB to UART/I2C/SPI bridge functionality
    • Custom applications support
    • Two buttons and three LEDs for KitProg2/3
  • EZ-PD CCG3 USB Type-C power delivery (PD) system with rechargeable lithium-ion polymer (Li-Po) battery support
  • CapSense touch-sensing with self-capacitance (CSD) and mutual-capacitance (CSX) operation
    • slider (five elements)
    • Two buttons
    • A CSD proximity sensor
  • 1.8-V to 3.3-V operation with an additional 330-mF super-capacitor for backup domain supply (VBACKUP)
  • Two user LEDs, an RGB LED, a user button, and a reset button for PSoC 6 MCU.


CY8CKIT-028-TFT Board (HERE)

  • 2.4-inch 240x320 TFT LCD module
  • 6-axis motion sensor
  • PDM microphone
  • 32-bit stereo codec capable of
    • microphone
    • headphone
    • speaker amplifier.
  • 3.5mm standard audio jack with a provision of connecting both AHJ and OMTP headphones.
  • Headset standard selection switch.
  • An ambient light sensor
  • An 1.8V LDO for the digital supply of the audio codec


Additional Hardware features

  • 5V Buck-Boost Regulator
  • Voltage and Current Measurement Circuit
  • PSoC 5LP as programmer/debugger
    • Custom Application Header
    • GPIO Expansion Header
    • Custom application


Figure 4: INA216A3 current sensor available on PSoC6 pioneer board to monitor the VDD current of PSoC6


All the softwares required to work with this PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) can be divied into two cataories. i) Standalone programmer to upload the previously generated hex file ii) IDE for coding and generating hex file.


This kit can be programmed using PSoC Programmer, Cypress Programmer or drag n drop of hex file into mass storage drive if you have already generated an hex file. The feature comparison of programmers of PSoC6 programmers is given in figure-5. The size of downloadable file of both the programmers for different operating systems is also given in figure-6. PSoC6 Programmers can be downloaded and installed separately (Available: HERE) without any IDE.


Figure 5: Features comparison of PSoC6 Programmers


Figure 6: Downloadable File Size of PSoC6 Programmers

There is another setup file named "CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT Kit Complete Setup" (Available HERE Downloadable size: 568.65 MB) which contain all the documentation, Kit Design Files, PSoC Creator, PSoC Programmer, and examples related to this kit. So instead of downladiing all the files separatly I will recommand to use this setup file.



Software IDEs that can be used to code, generate hex file and reprogrammed PSoC6 MCU of our kit, are PSoC Creater, WICED Studio and Modus Toolbox softwares from cypress. There is also another IDE available to use with this kit is Zerynth Studio. In detail comparison of these tools is given in later sections.

Before Downloading and installing any software to code and program the PSoC6, here is rough estimated of hard dish space taken by each software is shown in figure 7. Here inside of Cypress folder "cypress programmer" is also insalled which is the part of Modus Toold Box. And also the PDL files upto version 3.1.0 are installed in it.


Figure 7: Disk Space taken by all the PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) related softwares


Out of the Box Demo

For out of the box demo we only need to power up the device while keeping all the onboard switches and jumper at right places. All the drivers are only required if we are also planning to monitor all the data sent on Serial port monitor as well. In this demo we can test the AP and station functionality of onboard WiFi-BT combo module along with CapSense touch slider, buttons, ambient light sensor and TFT display.

In this demo, on the first startup the PSoC 6 MCU acts as an AP named "WICED Config" (figure 8 & 9) and an http web server (figure 8 & 11). It hosts a wifi setup webpage (figure 12) where you can easily configure it to connect with one of the local WiFi network in STA mode (figure 13). After successful configuration and it switch to STA from AP mode (figure 14 & 15). Now It hosts another webpage (figure 15) that displays the voltage of the ambient light sensor on the CY8CKIT-028-TFT shield (figure 16). It also displays the current duty cycle of a PWM controlling the red LED on the kit. The Increase and Decrease Buttons on the webpage change the duty cycle of that PWM by 5%. CapSense buttons and sliders on the kit can also control the PWM duty cycle and thus the brightness of the LED.

During this demo also it is also printing data over a UART to a terminal window (figure 17 && 18).


Figure 8: Info Displayed on TFT Display after first time powering it up


Figure 9: WICED Config AP is visible in availble WiFi network list


Figure 10: Successfully connected to WICED Config AP by entering the password displayed on TFT Display


Figure 11: PSoC hosted Webpage ( displayed in browser during AP mode


Figure 12: Choose the local WiFi Network from available network


Figure 13: Entering the password info and connecting to the desired Local WiFi Network


Figure 14: Info displayed after successful connection to local WiFi Network


Figure 15:Info Displayed on TFT display after successful local WiFi network connection


Figure 16: Webpage hosted on PSoC6 ( in STA mode


Figure 17: Info displayed on UART monitor during successful local WiFi network connection


Figure 18: CapSense slider position monitoring on UART console


Possible Issues

The main issue that anyone can have during out of the box demo is ip conflict with already connected local networks. The IP address of initially hosted webpage on PSoC6 during AP mode is "". In my case I am already connected to another network with same IP settings (figure 19). So when I try to access the ip address it took me to the my router webpage. After little investigation I found out the reason of that problem. So my suggestion is to make sure you are not connected another Ethernet or secondary WiFi Network (in case of multiple WiFi modules) with same IP settings. On cell phone you will never find this problem.


Figure 19: PSoC6 AP and Broadband network IPv4 server settings


Another Issue you can face is KtProg2 USB to Serial driver. Usually window will automatically install the driver if automatic update is enables. But in this case it wasn't able to do so. Before proceeding to this demo I have already installed the required software/drivers i.e: PSoC programmer but still it wasn't able to pick/install the driver. I have also tried to manually install the driver but even this didn't work. The solution of this problem is to reinstall the PSoC programmer (Details: HERE). Recommended! Before installing any cypress software you should connect this kit with PC and let it install generic USB to Serial driver. When window finish installing drivers only then install Cypress Programmer/PSoC Programmer. And it will work without any driver issue.



{tabbedtable} Tab LabelTab Content
CapSense touch slider and ALS

After configuring up the local WiFi setting in PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) as shown above, we can test the CapSense touch slider and Ambient light sensor of TFT shield.


Info displayed on the TFT shield

In this video you can watch all the info displayed on the TFT shield of PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) during Out of the Box demo.



Quick Start guide: HERE same as provided along with the kit

Demo program details: HERE

Code and Hex file: HERE

Driver Issue: Possible solution HERE


How to Switch Between KitProg v2 and v3

Different software IDEs required different version of KitProg firmware. PSoC Programmer, Cypress Programmer or Modus Toolbox can automatically upgrade the KitProg2 to KitProg3 but automatic downgrade back to KitProg2 is not possible. PSoC Creater, Wiced Studio, Zerynth required KitProg2 where as Modus Toolbox will only work with KitProg3. So If anyone want to switch between KitProg3 and KitProg2 he needs firmware-loader which can be found inside the Modus Toolbox install directory (~\ModusToolbox_1.1\tools\fw-loader-2.1\bin) or it can also be downloaded separately (GitHub: HERE). All the necessary information required to use this CLI based firmware-loader is available HERE or HERE or Section-5.3 Downgrading to KitProg2, page: 14 of KitProg3 User Guide, Document Number: 002-24616 Rev. *D. Feature comparison of both version of KitProg firmware is given in figure 20.


Figure 20: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - KitProg2 v KitProg3


Firmware-Loader Guide

    After downloading it separately or using the one available inside the Modus Toolbox, run the executable file available at \fw-loader-2.1\bin. All the information regarding it can also be found by simply executing the following command (figure 21).



Figure 21: Execute the fw-loader.exe to get all the information

Before proceeding to upgrade or downgrade step we need to make sure either our pioneer board is boot-loader mode or not. To confirm the boot-loader mode run the following command.

fw-loader --device-list

If it return any supported device (figure 22) then we can proceed to next step otherwise put the board into boot loader mode by disconnecting and reconnecting to PC while keep pressing the MODE SWITCH (SW3) and now LED2 should blink at 1Hz.


Figure 22: Check if Pioneer Board is in boot-loader mode or not

After confirming the boot-loader mode we can proceed to next step of upgrading or downgrading the KitProg firmware.

Downgrading to KitProg2

To downgrade from KitProg3 to KitProg2 run the following command (figure 23).

fw-loader --update-kp2


Figure 23: Manually Downgrade to KitProg2 from KitProg3

Upgrading to KitProg3

To manually upgrade from KitProg2 to KitProg3 run the following command (figure 24).

fw-loader --update-kp3


Figure 24: Manually Upgrade to KitProg3 from KitProg2

How to choose the right IDE?

The key factor in selecting certain IDE are easy to use, documentation, future updates and support, portability.

MCU Programming

Modus Toolbox

(Highly Recommended) it is easy to use programming environment for PSoC6 series mcu. If someone has prior working experience with STCubeMX, Atmel Start or MPLAB X etc then the transition from any of those tool to this one will be very smooth. It has "Select Middleware" option similar to ATMEL start. Where as the device configurator work and look like similar to STCubeMX but with added benefit of device configuration from within the IDE. The live code preview in device configurator help a lot in finding the function/identifier of each option. It will be the first Cypress IDE that will support MCU programming with WiFi/WiFi-BT combo device support (coming soon). PSoC6 mcu has built in CapSense technology and this software provide perfect tools to configure and tune the touch inputs and values. The CapSense tuner help in calculating the threshold values on the go instead of multiple times reprogramming to obtain the desired results. It is also recommended by the Cypress to use Modus Toolbox for programming the PSoC6 MCU.

PSoC Creator

It is oldest PSoC programming IDE with lots of user base.This mean there is lot of online help/projects available for this IDE. But the transition from other programming tools to this one will not be very simple. The interface is seems cluttered and you will take some time to getting used to it. But after some time you will feel comfortable working with it. The graphical programming interface makes working with PSoC6 device simple and for a time being you start believing that your working with FPGA. It has builtin PSoC Creator Tuner (CapSense Tuner).


(Recommended) If you are only planning to work with this specific kit from cypress then it is also recommended to use zerynth. It provide python programming environment which is similar to Arduino. Anyone who is only familiar with Arduino programming then this tool is ideal for that person. Easy to use cloud integration tool enable this kit to securely connect with several well known cloud platforms. (Only support WiFi)


Wireless Application

WICED Studio

For all those kits that uses external WiFi-BT combo modules, this is the only possible option currently (in future Modus toolbox will also get these capabilities). As our PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit use external WiFi-BT combo module therefore it is only IDE that can be use to built wireless applications. Currently Zerynth Studio only support WiFi networking option so for BLE application we have no other choice except WICED studio. Its interface is eclipse based and similar to Modus Toolbox so switching from either one of these to other is not a big problem.


PSoC Creator

It is not a recommended choice of software for programming the PSoC6 MCU. But here we will only look at designing the basic examples using this software.

It can be downloaded from HERE (recommended) or HERE. After downloading the "CY8CKIT062WiFiBTSetup_RevSS.exe" bundle (Kit Design Files, PSoC Creator, PSoC Programmer, Documentation, Examples) install it at default location. After installing all the components launch the PSoC Creator 4.2 and Cypress Update Manager will automatically launch at startup and ask to update the "Peripheral Driver Libraries" again and again till PDL 3.1.0 (figure 25).


Figure 25: Update the PDL till 3.1.0 using Cypress Update Manager

If Cypress Update Manager doesn't launch automatically at first startup you can also manually run it by going into "Help" menu and selecting the "Update Manager" as showen in figure 26.

Hello World

All the project details and requirements are avaiable at PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Hello World using Cypress PSoC Creator .

All the project details and requirements are avaiable at PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Blink LED using Cypress PSoC Creator .

ADC (Ambient Light Sensor of TFT shield)

All the project details and requirements are avaiable at PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Read ADC (Ambient Light Sensor) using Cypress PSoC Creator .

CapSense Tuner

All the project details and requirements are avaiable at PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - CapSense Tuner using Cypress PSoC Creator .

PSoC Creator Trainings Videos: HERE

All Examples (BLE examples are not designed for this kit): HERE

Analog Designs : HERE

Digital Designs: HERE

Audio Designs: HERE

System Level Designs: HERE

RTOS Based Designs: HERE


WICED Studio




Modus Tool Box




    Zerynth provides developers with an ecosystem of software tools to program microcontrollers in Python and connect them to the Cloud. Zerynth allows a mixed C/Python programming environment. This kind of “hybrid” programming is extremely powerful in scenarios where the project needs low-level code for time-critical tasks while keeping Python flexibility and readability for not time-critical sections. The working principle of Zerynth is using the Zerynth Studio to create and install a Zerynth Virtual Machine on one of the supported microcontrollers and start to program it in Python or hybrid C/Python. It allows rapid integration with sensors, actuators, and industrial protocols, thanks to an extensive collection of libraries. You can also easily connect your board to one of the supported Cloud Services  and view your data via a 3rd party IoT Dashboard or via Zerynth App (figure XX). The main advantage of zerynth over other IDEs is providing similar to arduino style programming environment with RTOS functionality. At the moment its doesnt support BLE functionality of murata module of this kit.


Figure XX: Zerynth Working Principle


    To start working with first download Zerynth Studio from HERE or HERE for free. And install it using installation guide available HERE. The step by step guide to connect PSoC6 WiFi-BT pioneer kit with Zerynth is available HERE and also provided in gallery below. Before start working with zerynth the kit need to have KitProg2 install on it and it should be in CMSIS-DAP mode not in DAP-LINK or default mode.


For this kit zerynth will only work if you are member of design spark community and login to zerynth using dsign spark login details (firgure XX).


Figure XX: Zerynth PSoC6 Support



Zerynth will not work with this kit if its PSoC62 mcu has outdated firmware so make sure your kit doesnt show any outdated firmware warning in PSoC programmer.



{gallery} PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Programming with Zerynth


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select Physical Device


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Register the device by selecting the "Z" button from top toolbar


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Device Registration Successful


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select Z button from top tool bar to create new VM


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select "Create" button to create a new VM


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - successfully created the new VM


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Now Select "Virtualize" Button


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select the newly created VM to virtualize


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Successful Virtualization of VM


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select Light Bulb Icon to open Examples


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select Blink Example and click "Tick"  to compile the code and Successful Compilation message will appear in log console


IMAGE TITLE: PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WIFI-BT) - Zerynth - Select Blink Example and click "Up Arrow"  to upload the code and DONE message will appear in log console on successful uploading


After successful uplinking of code you can clearly see the led blinking on actual hardware. Similarly you can test other examples and also build youir project using this software. If one love the arduino or python style programming then this is ideal platform for that person.


Zerynth Physical Device Detection Issues

If you will select the DAP-LINK mode of KitProg instead of CMSIS-DAP the zerynth will display it as an ambiguous device. If you see this in Device Menu then make sure KitProg has V2 and its in CMSIS-MODE with kitprog2 mass storage (fgure XX).


Figure XX: KitProg Mode issues


PSoC 6 WiFi-BT kit - Quick start guide


Mini Web Server Example


Building an IOT Project

IOT project is built to continuous publish the Ambient light sensor value to remote MQTT broker and to control the color and brightness of RGB LED (LED5) remotely. Adafruit IO platform is used as MQTT Broker and to design a GUI for remote interaction and live ALS data viewing. All the project details and files are available at PSoC® 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit - Building an IOT Project .


Take the IOT Project to next level with Cloud Integration

Adafruit IO is good enough for basic IOT project with simple data logging and data operations. But for lots of sensors data logging and performing complex operation on logged data then perform certain tasks and actions require cloud integration into IOT system. After building an IOT project using AIO, IBM Watson IoT Platform (Bluemix) is used to build another IOT project.

PART 1: Micro Monster - Succulent Plants Monitoring System

PART 2: Establishing and Testing the Secure Connection

PART 3: Remote Device Restart, Factory Reset and Data storage on External Flash

PART 4: Remote Firmware Download and Update

PART 5: Sensors Interfacing

PART 6: Final Testing and Demo


Over all this Kit is very useful for any type of application whether it is simple as blinking an led or complex cloud connected one.


Currently the major issue with this kit is that Cypress is no longer supporting its wireless SDK. Even though they are currently working on Modus Toolbox to support its Wireless SDK but there is no timeline when will it support its Wireless functionalities. For me this is only but major negative of this kit. Other wise everything else is well explained, cypress community and customer support personal are very supportive and helping. And one should must give them 5 out 5 stars for that.
