Instantiating the DSPFP32 the Easy Way
The final thing we need to use the new Versal DSPFP32 hardened floating point primitive is a way to access them through VHDL code. While it would be very nice to be able to infer the primitives, especially since we do have the new VHDL-2008 FLOAT32 type we could use, that options does not exist yet. And even if it did, as was the case with the fixed point DSP58 inference, it would work only in special cases, it would require a particular coding style and it could not support all of the primitive features.
So, we have to use then the next best option, primitive instantiation. A DSPFP32 primitive does exist in the unisim library but like the DSP58 primitive, instantiation is verbose, about 100 lines of code, and hard to debug and maintain, with no support for the FLOAT32 type, all ports are STD_LOGIC and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR. But like the DSP58, we can write our own instantiation wrapper, with sensible default values for all the generics and input ports so they can be left unconnected if we are happy with the defaults, and FLOAT32 types for the A, B, C, D inputs, FPM and FPA outputs as well as all the A, B and P cascade ports. This is how such a wrapper would look like:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use work.FLOAT_PKG.all;
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
entity DSPFP32_GW is
generic(ACASCREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Number of pipeline stages between A/ACIN and ACOUT (0-2)
AREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Pipeline stages for A (0-2)
A_FPTYPE:STRING:="B32"; -- B16, B32
A_INPUT:STRING:="DIRECT"; -- Selects A input source, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)
BCASCSEL:STRING:="B"; -- Selects B cascade out data (B, D).
B_D_FPTYPE:STRING:="B32"; -- B16, B32
B_INPUT:STRING:="DIRECT"; -- Selects B input source, "DIRECT" (B port) or "CASCADE" (BCIN port)
FPA_PREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Pipeline stages for FPA output (0-1)
FPBREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Pipeline stages for B inputs (0-1)
FPCREG:INTEGER:=3; -- Pipeline stages for C input (0-3)
FPDREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Pipeline stages for D inputs (0-1)
FPMPIPEREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Selects the number of FPMPIPE registers (0-1)
FPM_PREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Pipeline stages for FPM output (0-1)
FPOPMREG:INTEGER:=3; -- Selects the length of the FPOPMODE pipeline (0-3)
INMODEREG:INTEGER:=1; -- Selects the number of FPINMODE registers (0-1)
IS_ASYNC_RST_INVERTED:BIT:='0'; -- Optional inversion for AYNC_RST
IS_CLK_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for CLK
IS_FPINMODE_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for FPINMODE
IS_FPOPMODE_INVERTED:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0):=7x"00"; -- Optional inversion for FPOPMODE
IS_RSTA_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTA
IS_RSTB_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTB
IS_RSTC_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTC
IS_RSTD_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTD
IS_RSTFPA_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTFPA
IS_RSTFPINMODE_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTFPINMODE
IS_RSTFPMPIPE_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTFPMPIPE
IS_RSTFPM_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTFPM
IS_RSTFPOPMODE_INVERTED:bit:='0'; -- Optional inversion for RSTFPOPMODE
PCOUTSEL:STRING:="FPA"; -- Select PCOUT output cascade of DSPFP32 (FPA, FPM)
RESET_MODE:STRING:="SYNC"; -- Selection of synchronous or asynchronous reset. (ASYNC, SYNC).
USE_MULT:STRING:="MULTIPLY"); -- Select multiplier usage (DYNAMIC, MULTIPLY, NONE)
port(ACIN:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: A cascade input
ASYNC_RST:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous reset for all registers.
A:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: A input
BCIN:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: B cascade input
B:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: B input
C:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: C input
CEA1:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for 1st stage AREG
CEA2:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for 2nd stage AREG
CEB:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable BREG
CEC:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for CREG
CED:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for DREG
CEFPA:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPA_PREG
CEFPINMODE:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPINMODE register
CEFPM:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPM output register.
CEFPMPIPE:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPMPIPE post multiplier register.
CEFPOPMODE:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPOPMODE post multiplier register.
CLK:in STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit input: Clock
D:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: D input
FPINMODE:in STD_LOGIC:='1'; -- 1-bit input: Controls select for B/D input data mux.
FPOPMODE:in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0):=7x"00"; -- 7-bit input: Selects input signals to floating-point adder and input negation. 6543210
PCIN:in FLOAT32:=32x"00000000"; -- 32-bit input: P cascade input .....00 P0=0
RSTA:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for AREG .....01 P0=M
RSTB:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for BREG .....10 P0=PCIN
RSTC:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for CREG .....11 P0=D
RSTD:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for DREG ..0xx.. P1=0
RSTFPA:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPA output register ..10X.. P1=P
RSTFPINMODE:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPINMODE register ..110.. P1=C
RSTFPM:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPM output register ..111.. P1=PCIN
RSTFPMPIPE:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPMPIPE register 00..... FPA_OUT=P0+P1
RSTFPOPMODE:in STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPOPMODE registers 01..... FPA_OUT=-P0+P1
ACOUT:out FLOAT32; -- 32-bit A cascade output 10..... FPA_OUT=P0-P1
BCOUT:out FLOAT32; -- 32-bit B cascade output 11..... FPA_OUT=-P0-P1
FPA_INVALID:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Invalid flag for FPA output
FPA_OUT:out FLOAT32; -- 32-bit output: Adder/accumulator data output
FPA_OVERFLOW:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Overflow signal for adder/accumulator data output
FPA_UNDERFLOW:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Underflow signal for adder/accumulator data output
FPM_INVALID:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Invalid flag for FPM output
FPM_OUT:out FLOAT32; -- 32-bit output: Multiplier data output
FPM_OVERFLOW:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Overflow signal for multiplier data output
FPM_UNDERFLOW:out STD_LOGIC; -- 1-bit output: Underflow signal for multiplier data output
PCOUT:out FLOAT32); -- 32-bit output: P cascade output
end DSPFP32_GW;
architecture TEST of DSPFP32_GW is
attribute keep_hierarchy:STRING;
attribute keep_hierarchy of all:architecture is "yes";
attribute syn_hier:STRING;
attribute syn_hier of all:architecture is "hard";
attribute loc:STRING;
variable R:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(H-L downto 0);
for K in R'range loop
end loop;
return R;
signal slvFPA_OUT,slvFPM_OUT:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
signal slvACOUT,slvBCOUT,slvPCOUT:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
u1:DSPFP32 generic map(-- Feature Control Attributes: Data Path Selection
A_INPUT=>A_INPUT, -- Selects A input source, "DIRECT" (A port) or "CASCADE" (ACIN port)
BCASCSEL=>BCASCSEL, -- Selects B cascade out data (B, D).
B_INPUT=>B_INPUT, -- Selects B input source, "DIRECT" (B port) or "CASCADE" (BCIN port)
PCOUTSEL=>PCOUTSEL, -- Select PCOUT output cascade of DSPFP32 (FPA, FPM)
USE_MULT=>USE_MULT, -- Select multiplier usage (DYNAMIC, MULTIPLY, NONE)
-- Programmable Inversion Attributes: Specifies built-in programmable inversion on specific pins
IS_CLK_INVERTED=>IS_CLK_INVERTED, -- Optional inversion for CLK
IS_RSTA_INVERTED=>IS_RSTA_INVERTED, -- Optional inversion for RSTA
IS_RSTB_INVERTED=>IS_RSTB_INVERTED, -- Optional inversion for RSTB
IS_RSTC_INVERTED=>IS_RSTC_INVERTED, -- Optional inversion for RSTC
IS_RSTD_INVERTED=>IS_RSTD_INVERTED, -- Optional inversion for RSTD
-- Register Control Attributes: Pipeline Register Configuration
ACASCREG=>ACASCREG, -- Number of pipeline stages between A/ACIN and ACOUT (0-2)
AREG=>AREG, -- Pipeline stages for A (0-2)
FPA_PREG=>FPA_PREG, -- Pipeline stages for FPA output (0-1)
FPBREG=>FPBREG, -- Pipeline stages for B inputs (0-1)
FPCREG=>FPCREG, -- Pipeline stages for C input (0-3)
FPDREG=>FPDREG, -- Pipeline stages for D inputs (0-1)
FPMPIPEREG=>FPMPIPEREG, -- Selects the number of FPMPIPE registers (0-1)
FPM_PREG=>FPM_PREG, -- Pipeline stages for FPM output (0-1)
FPOPMREG=>FPOPMREG, -- Selects the length of the FPOPMODE pipeline (0-3)
INMODEREG=>INMODEREG, -- Selects the number of FPINMODE registers (0-1)
RESET_MODE=>RESET_MODE) -- Selection of synchronous or asynchronous reset. (ASYNC, SYNC).
port map(-- Cascade inputs: Cascade Ports
ACIN_EXP=>TO_SLV(ACIN,7,0), -- 8-bit input: A exponent cascade data
ACIN_MAN=>TO_SLV(ACIN,-1,-23), -- 23-bit input: A mantissa cascade data
ACIN_SIGN=>ACIN(8), -- 1-bit input: A sign cascade data
BCIN_EXP=>TO_SLV(BCIN,7,0), -- 8-bit input: B exponent cascade data
BCIN_MAN=>TO_SLV(BCIN,-1,-23), -- 23-bit input: B mantissa cascade data
BCIN_SIGN=>BCIN(8), -- 1-bit input: B sign cascade data
PCIN=>TO_SLV(PCIN,8,-23), -- 32-bit input: P cascade
-- Control inputs: Control Inputs/Status Bits
CLK=>CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock
FPINMODE=>FPINMODE, -- 1-bit input: Controls select for B/D input data mux.
FPOPMODE=>FPOPMODE, -- 7-bit input: Selects input signals to floating-point adder and input negation.
-- Data inputs: Data Ports
A_EXP=>TO_SLV(A,7,0), -- 8-bit input: A data exponent
A_MAN=>TO_SLV(A,-1,-23), -- 23-bit input: A data mantissa
A_SIGN=>A(8), -- 1-bit input: A data sign bit
B_EXP=>TO_SLV(B,7,0), -- 8-bit input: B data exponent
B_MAN=>TO_SLV(B,-1,-23), -- 23-bit input: B data mantissa
B_SIGN=>B(8), -- 1-bit input: B data sign bit
C=>TO_SLV(C,8,-23), -- 32-bit input: C data input in Binary32 format.
D_EXP=>TO_SLV(D,7,0), -- 8-bit input: D data exponent
D_MAN=>TO_SLV(D,-1,-23), -- 23-bit input: D data mantissa
D_SIGN=>D(8), -- 1-bit input: D data sign bit
-- Reset/Clock Enable inputs: Reset/Clock Enable Inputs
ASYNC_RST=>ASYNC_RST, -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous reset for all registers.
CEA1=>CEA1, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for 1st stage AREG
CEA2=>CEA2, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for 2nd stage AREG
CEB=>CEB, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable BREG
CEC=>CEC, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for CREG
CED=>CED, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for DREG
CEFPA=>CEFPA, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPA_PREG
CEFPINMODE=>CEFPINMODE, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPINMODE register
CEFPM=>CEFPM, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPM output register.
CEFPMPIPE=>CEFPMPIPE, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPMPIPE post multiplier register.
CEFPOPMODE=>CEFPOPMODE, -- 1-bit input: Clock enable for FPOPMODE post multiplier register.
RSTA=>RSTA, -- 1-bit input: Reset for AREG
RSTB=>RSTB, -- 1-bit input: Reset for BREG
RSTC=>RSTC, -- 1-bit input: Reset for CREG
RSTD=>RSTD, -- 1-bit input: Reset for DREG
RSTFPA=>RSTFPA, -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPA output register
RSTFPINMODE=>RSTFPINMODE, -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPINMODE register
RSTFPM=>RSTFPM, -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPM output register
RSTFPMPIPE=>RSTFPMPIPE, -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPMPIPE register
RSTFPOPMODE=>RSTFPOPMODE, -- 1-bit input: Reset for FPOPMODE registers
-- Cascade outputs: Cascade Ports
ACOUT_EXP=>slvACOUT(30 downto 23), -- 8-bit output: A exponent cascade data
ACOUT_MAN=>slvACOUT(22 downto 0), -- 23-bit output: A mantissa cascade data
ACOUT_SIGN=>slvACOUT(31), -- 1-bit output: A sign cascade data
BCOUT_EXP=>slvBCOUT(30 downto 23), -- 8-bit output: B exponent cascade data
BCOUT_MAN=>slvBCOUT(22 downto 0), -- 23-bit output: B mantissa cascade data
BCOUT_SIGN=>slvBCOUT(31), -- 1-bit output: B sign cascade data
PCOUT=>slvPCOUT, -- 32-bit output: Cascade output
-- Data outputs: Data Ports
FPA_INVALID=>FPA_INVALID, -- 1-bit output: Invalid flag for FPA output
FPA_OUT=>slvFPA_OUT, -- 32-bit output: Adder/accumlator data output in Binary32 format.
FPA_OVERFLOW=>FPA_OVERFLOW, -- 1-bit output: Overflow signal for adder/accumlator data output
FPA_UNDERFLOW=>FPA_UNDERFLOW, -- 1-bit output: Underflow signal for adder/accumlator data output
FPM_INVALID=>FPM_INVALID, -- 1-bit output: Invalid flag for FPM output
FPM_OUT=>slvFPM_OUT, -- 32-bit output: Multiplier data output in Binary32 format.
FPM_OVERFLOW=>FPM_OVERFLOW, -- 1-bit output: Overflow signal for multiplier data output
FPM_UNDERFLOW=>FPM_UNDERFLOW); -- 1-bit output: Underflow signal for multiplier data output
end TEST;
It might not look like we have made much progress, but here is an example of using this wrapper to build a complex multiplier out of four DSPFP32 primitives. We only need to specify the generics and ports for which we need something different from the default values in the wrapper entity definition. The I, W, PC and O signals are of type CFLOAT32:
-- I and W to O latency is 4 clocks
d0:entity work.DSPFP32_GW generic map(PCOUTSEL=>"FPM") -- Select PCOUT output cascade of DSPFP32 (FPA, FPM)
port map(CLK=>CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock
A=>I.RE, -- 32-bit input: A input
B=>W.RE, -- 32-bit input: B input
PCOUT=>PC.RE); -- 32-bit output: P cascade output
d1:entity work.DSPFP32_GW port map(CLK=>CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock
A=>I.IM, -- 32-bit input: A input
B=>W.IM, -- 32-bit input: B input
FPOPMODE=>7x"3D", -- FPA_OUT=PCIN-M -- 7-bit input: Selects input signals to floating-point adder and input negation.
PCIN=>PC.RE, -- 32-bit input: P cascade input
FPA_OUT=>O.RE); -- 32-bit output: Adder/accumulator data output
d2:entity work.DSPFP32_GW generic map(PCOUTSEL=>"FPM") -- Select PCOUT output cascade of DSPFP32 (FPA, FPM)
port map(CLK=>CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock
A=>I.IM, -- 32-bit input: A input
B=>W.RE, -- 32-bit input: B input
PCOUT=>PC.IM); -- 32-bit output: P cascade output
d3:entity work.DSPFP32_GW port map(CLK=>CLK, -- 1-bit input: Clock
A=>I.RE, -- 32-bit input: A input
B=>W.IM, -- 32-bit input: B input
FPOPMODE=>7x"1D", -- FPA_OUT=PCIN+M -- 7-bit input: Selects input signals to floating-point adder and input negation.
PCIN=>PC.IM, -- 32-bit input: P cascade input
FPA_OUT=>O.IM); -- 32-bit output: Adder/accumulator data output
What would have required over 400 lines of VHDL code if we were to use the unisim DSPFP32 primitives directly is now only 20 lines if we use the wrapper. The code is much more readable and easier to maintain.
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