What is the Internet of Things? If you are an engineer that question may sound unnecessary (or the answer is simply a no brainer). Unfortunately, the blogosphere has already perpetuated plenty of myths about what the IoT exactly is and what it can and can’t do. So, it sounds like a perfect time to take a moment and review some IoT Basics and reset the discussion. To that end, element14 has collected five articles that address the everything of IoT from explaining to marketing to a fine example of home automation at its best.
Any serious discussion of IoT, above and beyond what it is and what benefits it brings, leads us down the prickly path of IoT security. Cisco believes security is perhaps the most critical factor influencing in the market growth of IoT. To ratchet up the discussion to the next level, we have posted five articles on IoT security that will keep you informed on the technical considerations of wireless network safety and home automation security.
When all the planning is completed, your real development work begins. Wiring up a BeagleBone Black or a Riot Board and tinkering with the code is one way to start. But at some point you’ll need a strategy for architecting your version of IoT because you’re likely to meet some design challenges along the way. To help you, we have assembled six articles that feature development tips, sample code and design considerations so you can build a better IoT. Enjoy the articles and let the engineering begin!
IoT Basics
- Explaining The Internet of Things
- What Marketing Won't Tell You About the IoT
- The Internet of Everything
- Home Automation at its Best
- Re-imagining the World with IoT
IoT Security
- The Basics of IoT Security
- Keeping your Wireless Network Safe
- Security in Home Automation
- A Dangerous Cyber World
- Did the FTC Go Far Enough?
IoT Development Tips