The Ampstrip heartrate wearable that featured on Indiegogo. Fitlinxx released the Ampstrip on Indiegogo in September 2015 and exceeded their target goal quickly – raising over $500,000. Only one month later, they retracted their product and promised ...
I am seeing a lot of tech articles on Wearable sports gear for heart monitoring/etc... Any suggestions on what sensors/platforms might be good to look at for working into monitoring skin conductivity, heart rate and/or body temp? Thanks.&n...
One of the participants for the experimental game. University of Washington experiments with linking to human brains by transmission signals. (via UofW)Hollywood writers and directors have been dreaming of mind reading for years. Though some people a...
Do we need to join the FlexTech wearables push? (via FlexTech) The pentagon has recently pledged 75 million dollars to a 163 member strong conglomeration of corporate and academic entities called FlexTech Alliance. It seems that FlexTech wowed t...
Through a recent partnership, BBC and This Place created a remote control powered by brainwave output. The MindRDR TV is a prototype that demonstrates remotes of the future may allow users to change the TV channel by thoughts alone. (image via screen...
Bryon Wake (15) injected himself with an nXTi chip that will allow him to interface with devices outfitted with NFC technology.Some teens are widely renowned for the projects they’ve done in the world of DIY- Jack Andraka’s Pancreatic Cancer Test, Qu...
New Lumos helmet keeps cyclists safe by enabling them to use left and right turn signals and brake lights. Turning signals are controlled via handlebar-mounted buttons and brake lights illuminate automatically when slowing down to maximize safety and...
Microsoft HoloLens. Microsoft recently announced an academic research proposal request for the further development of mixed reality technology through its HoloLens platform. Microsoft will award five non-profit research laboratories with $100,000 and...
A video on the contents of an inspirational wearables toolbox gist: it contains a cool collection of wacky and practical components One of the nice things about this kit that sets it apart from most others is ...
Is this for real? A hair extension that can send commands to your phone? (via Hairware video capture)Just when I thought smart technology couldn’t get any more unbelievable, researcher and Beauty Technology designer Katia Vega created ‘Hairware’ – ha...
The hoodie is finished! few weeks ago, I started dreaming up this wacky project. And now I have a fun flower-covered Spring Hoodie that lights up depending on the weather forecast.What's in it?The components in the hoodie ...
A short post about some of the final hoodie details Odds N EndsI went to the craft store early this week to get some more fake flowers, ribbon, plastic crystals to disguise the NeoPixels, and a hot glue gun. I kn...
A short post about getting help with the hoodie code over my headSo. Writing the code for a hoodie that reads and responds to the weather forecast was perhaps overly ambitious for someone who has been programming for less...
This metronome can be worn as a watch for easy portability, vibrates to the beat. (via soundbrenner)The standard metronome is a must have for all musicians in training. It helps to keep players in tune with the music they're playing. Though effective...
A short post on the week’s progress Much. Soldering.My technique for making the LED flowers means that in order to connect them together I have to solder a longer bit of wire from each of the four “stem” wires to t...
A short post about the week’s progress This week I did a lot that doesn’t look like much. I soldered, made, and placed 15 LED flowers and a few non-LED flowers. And then I got to work on the code. But blerf. My c...
A video about connecting the Flora and the CC3000 WiFi breakout in my intro post, I explained that I want to use a Flora with the CC3000 WiFi breakout to grab weather forecast information.I couldn't find a tutorial about ...
We want talk about an exciting new event in wearable technology that will help you not only keep time but also maintain your personal connections and stay fit - the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is going to be available for public consumption on ...
A short video where I introduce my latest wacky project: a flower-covered hoodie that lights up depending on the weather. you aren't a video-watching person, here's the gist: The BackgroundI'm so sick of winter...
Hi, I recently build a pair of bone conduction headphones, and I want to share it with you. So lets start. First of all, what is bone conduction??? Well, bone conduction is the conduction of sound to the inner ear through the bones of the s...
Passenger using the “Happiness Blanket” (via British Airways)In an attempt to differentiate itself from the competition, British Airways decided to take their First-Class experience a step beyond what the eye can see. The company is currently testing...
BB. Suit (via atelier ByBorre) Adult onesies are making a comeback – and while some of your friends still think their unicorn onesies are super cool with the ladies, you can grab your lady-friend’s attention with the 'BB. Suit,' w...
VERT device to track your vertical jumps (via VERT)New to the market is yet another activity tracker with, um, a very niche market. Most activity trackers will trace activities like walking, running, distance traveled, calories burned, and more. This...